Thursday, July 23, 2015

Random - Quote Reflection

Few minutes back, I was wondering on what shall I write!
There was some desperate need coming out to write something.
Why to write? for whom to write? were not questions bothering at those time.

As something compelling, to seat and write.

There struck an idea to just ask google to provide link of random quotes or random quote generator. So I did went to google, and gave this keywords:random quote.

and got this as a result

two thoughts flashed on the screen of mind. First thought was to go on images and select random one.  Another one said, first link looks good go for it. I followed the later one and clicked on the link given below:

And How wonderful the result !!!
first quote, resonated with on going trend of life and flow got thrust.

The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. -
William James (1842 - 1910)

How to use this life is a big question. Last week similar question came and stood in front of me. Instantaneously, I remembered what my friend Jonathan had said once.
“Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there's reason to live!
We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can learn to be free! we can learn to fly!”

Still, this life is lived between eating and sleeping. force, fuel which keeps me flowing is drying. All those big ideals covering social, financial, political, humanitarian all now sounds so weak and dumb. Thoughts are in riots and afraid if they are shared openly or got some force, it will stand against the current. There is scepticism too. Whatever that may be, right now something from within is coming to focus on positive. To focus on what one ought to be.
I want to fly!My tree on which I got second birth. On which, I came out of my shall. On whose branch I started learning lessons of flight. That belongingness with tree can't be obstacle on my flying. Tree of family, Tree of previous occupation, Tree of preferences, desires and so on. How many roots are required to cut, before I learn and fly. Sometime it seems roots are necessary, one needs to preserve them. They are the one, who had given all and what I am today.
No, If you want to fly. If you want a freedom. You have to cut and come out from this bondage of those roots. Only thing lies for you is sky. sky. sky.

And from that sky now on my small flight, I look down and find this.

 "I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers."
Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)

Instantly something started rolling within. Yet I do not have such a profound experience of life and learning. Still this sounds very familiar. How much ungrateful we are to all those teachers who has taught us meaningful things in life. Like that professor in my university, who hardly came for lecture from whom I learnt that how to learn on your own. Life events and beings part of that moment and space teaches so many things. Next week, in India there will be celebration of 'Guru Poornima' giving respect and salutation to teacher who kindle the fire within. Let this be a small occasion in life, here I offer my respect and show gratefulness to all those events and beings who taught me in that strange way, as in quote.

I am yet not out from Jonathan.

“He spoke of very simple things- that it is right for a gull to fly, that freedom is the very nature of his being, that whatever stands against that freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form.

"Set aside," came a voice from the multitude, "even if it be the Law of the Flock?"

"The only true law is that which leads to freedom," Jonathan said. "There is no other.”

What is this longing about? Why Jonathan appeared to me? I want to read that book again.

Lessons of flying are hard. sometime it looks like, you have to hanger around without any support. Oh! Wait a minute. What did I say, without any support?
Foolish! You have to learn to see beyond. There is bigger support of air, through which this life runs. there is water to in his hidden form. support is doesn't come only from unmoving and hard. It comes from subtle, moving elements, like AIR.
So far you took support of those things who are solid and not moving. You kept your trust on them. But forgot in blow of wind all gets vanish. Now you have to learn to take support from moving and unseen. Keep faith on it. Even if you don't know where they are leading you.

Now let me end this random thoughts, which now doesn't look like a random, but closely woven net.

"THOU art like the wind upon the sea, driving the boat back ashore until it is at last loaded with all the goods necessary for the long voyage. Thou wouldst not have us embark thoughtlessly. Thy servitors must be ready for all eventualities, must be capable of answering all demands, satisfying all needs." -
The Mother, November 16,1914, Prayers & Meditations, Pg No. 275

Monday, July 20, 2015

Mumbai Has a Underground Local Trains!

8:30pm in winter, station churni road of mumbai's western railway line. A family boards train toward borivali. Children soon reaches to window and stands there in awe for city and train. Train is moving fast, cutting the darkness and creating its unusual sounds.
Elder one exclaims to younger one "Hey, Now we are underground and train is below earth now!"
Small one looks at him with utter surprise, like he has no sense and heard this word first time. explanations begins, like a sermon and soon again. "Look, we are underground again!!!" "Yes and now we are out!"
Passenger around them looks at them with smile.

Soon a station comes, train halts.
"look this is an underground station." elder one explains while looking out of the window till eyes can stretch. "Yes, you are right" nodded younger one. "Have you seen lighting arrangement? Wasn't it bright?" asked elder and just got a smile from younger one. who is still trying to understand what that means.

Elder one must be 8-9 year old and 3 year elder than younger ones.


8:30pm, elder one takes a train from Churchgate station. Accompanied by a friend who has come from delhi. showing local train and story of city of dream. Elder one has got this image of crocodile tail city from one of the poem, read during school days. While explaining map of city to friend. Train halts at station and something dawns in mind.

Eyes are now looking out. Searching for something. Simple candid joy comes to heart. smile on face. Unable to believe what is been seen and what was seen.
"Mumbai doesn't have underground train, stupid." Elder one said to himself. Younger one is not along today. At age of 28 now, Elder one recalls those days and wonders what imagination was? Hopes imagination could have grown more bigger. Can it become true? Mumbai with underground trains. 
passing and cutting through Arabian Sea. What a sight it would be? Will it be done in this lifetime or by end of century?

Ohhh!! Imagination...Can we get an underwater rail...

What do you think, Can India go for it...?
underwater train hoax image from internet

Sunday, July 19, 2015


maoM ijavana huM.jaIvana ho ek Qaara.
yah Qaara kuC kh rhI hO.
yah Qaara kha jaanaa caahtI hoMÊ
yah Qaara hI kh rhI hO.
Par maoM Ê mast huM lahraomaoM.
vyast huM QaaTaomaoM.
kš baIMbap`tIbaIMba sajaata hu^M saInao po.
PalamaoM BaIgaaota hu^M Ê plamaoM Baagata hu^M.

[na GaaTaoM ko BaID, maMo sao Ê
Gaara kuC kh rhI hO.
@yaa maoM sauna pa}^Mgaa Æ
kOsao maoM sauna pa}^Mgaa Æ
maoM lahr nahIM hu^M Ê maoM jaIvana huM.jaIvana Gaara hO.
lahro banatI hO Ê maITtI hO Ê mao tao SaaEvat hu^M Ê maoM Gaara hu^M. jaIvana Gaara ho.
lahrao kao ho AakYa^Na GaaT tk jaanao ka Ê
Gaatk hO yah iktnaa ]sao kha^ pta Æ

saovaa krnaoka naok šrada ho Ê Pyaasa bauJaayaogaa duinayaa kao calaayaogaa SaIKayaogaa.
[sa santuYTI mao vaao zhrnaa caahtI ho kaoš sauMdr jagaa²
lahr ]ztI ho AaOr SaaMt hao jaatI hO Ê
kaSa² eosaa haota Ê pr vao tao baar baar ]ztI ho Ê
daoD lagaatI ho Ê GaaT tk jaanaokI.
ero @yaa maoM lahr hu^MÆ
naa² naa² maoM lahr nahIM hu^M.
maoM jaIvana hu^M. jaIvana ho ek Gaara.

Gaara jaao bahtI ho ApnaI mastI maoM Ê
khIM jaanao kao ÊkIsaI kao panao kao Ê
kIsaI kao maIlanao kao yaa kIsaI mao maIla jaanao kao Æ
jhaM Baod naa hao ek Gaara ka dusarI sao Ê
maoM caahta hU^M saarI Gaara maoM maIla jaanaa.
@yaa yah saMBava ho BaUmaI prÆ
ABaI tao basa bahnaa ho AaOr tÊ
jahaM saarI Gaara ek hao jaatI hO.
kBaI kBaI maoM iksaI Gaara ko krIba Aa jaata hu^M Ê
kBaI hma ek dusaromaoM Gaulaimala hao jaato hO Ê
kBaI pasa Aa ko BaI ibaC,D jaato hO.
pvana saunaata ho kBaI ]nkI Kbaro.
lahro ]maTtI ho ]sao imalanao Ê vaao dusarI lahrao kao BaI ]psaatI hO.
]sao lagata ho Ê
vah saba jaao pnap rha ho Ê ]sako caaraoM eaor
vah saba iksakI badaolat hOÆ
maorI Ê maoM lahr ]nho paoYatI ho.
hra Bara banaatI ho. sabakao jaIvana dotI hu^M maoM.
ho p`Bau² ifr sao .
kba dIla sao Ê tna sao Êmana sao yah pukar haogaI ko
maoM lahr nahIM .
maoM Gaara hu^M Ê maoM Gaara hu^M Ê maoM Gaara hu^M.
calanaa maora kama ho.
maoM jaIvana hu^M. jaIvana ek Gaara ho.
tuja sao naIklaI hu^M. tujamaoM maIla jaanaa hO.
Aba p`aNaaoM mao Ê manamaoM yahI tao GaarNa krnaa ho.
maoM Gaara hu^M.maoM bahtI hu^M.
ek AvaIrt p`vaah ho.
ijasamao iktnaI lahro ho Ê
iktnao baulabaulao vaao banaatI ho Ê
kšAao kao laokr calatI hO Ê
kšAao kao DubaaotI hO.
FIrBaI saaqa nahIM kIsaIkaÊ
e Kuda ko isavaa.
@yauMkI tuja sao haotI hu^M Sau$ tujamaoM maIla jaatI hu^M.
maoM jaIvana hu^M. jaIvana ek Gaara ho.
yah Kyaala nahIM hoÊ yao Aba samaJa AayaaÊ
jaba plaT idyaa maoMnao Gaara kaoÊ
tba imalaI ho raGaa.
maoM Gaara nahIMÊ raGaa hu^M.
baaolaao raGaa raGaa raGaa yaa
maanaao Gaara Gaara Gaara.
raGaa raGaa raGaa

maoM Aba [sa lahr kao CaoD,Ê
kIsaI Aaor lahr pr savaar.
naš lahr banaoMgaIÊ Syaama ko rMga sao rMgaogaIÊ
naa yah tao baorMgaI hO, naa vah tao Anaok rMgaI.
Gaara maoM hu^M.raGaa maoM hu^M.
saagar tuM hO.Syaama tuM hO.
ho tao saba panaI PaanaI.
ho tao saba caotnaa.

kba imalaoMgaI Gaara saagar kaoÆ
kba imalaoMgaI raGaa Syaama kaoÆ

Gaara naa AkolaI qaI kBaIÊ
Agar hao jaatI tao maIT jaatI.
raGaa maIT jaatI²
pr raGaa ijaMda ho.
maoro AMdrÊ raGaa ijaMda ho.
maoM hu^M raGaa.
maoM hu^M raGaa.
ABaI hu^M AaGaI,Ê Syaama saMga banaugaI purI.
maoM hu^M raGaa.
maoM hu^M raGaa.

Pass - Pass Game of Life

We all have played that game - pass the parcel. Where music is played in background, parcel (pillow or ball or such object) is passed in the...