Friday, December 25, 2015

merry christmas

With twinkling stars in sky,
With dancing waves on sea,
With cool breezes around,
I send warmth and wish...

Merry Christmas to you,
Merry Christmas to all,
Merry Merry many many
I send warmth and wish..

Musical lights fill your heart with love,
Joyful smiles free your hand with love,
Wisdom thoughts free your head with love,
I send warmth and wish...

Friendship grows, Light returns..
singing, dancing, laughing & sharing
let outer manifest inner state
I send warmth and wish..

all be blessed, all be loved
all feel the peace, all feel the grace
progressing to new year..
I send warmth and wish..

All shall unite, All be infinite
That's what I wish,
On this beautiful day

I send warmth and wish..

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Couple of years back I used to hate Sanedo,
a year or little more I used to enjoy but dislike Sanedo;
everything change few days back,
now I not just enjoy but love Sanedo.

Q: What brought this transformation?
Ans: Moved by Love, ' start-up services' retreat.

On very first day, first thing I heard after silent walk, welcoming greetings and soothing music. A word 'Sanedo' and how joyful it is. I said to myself, uff! Sanedo is here too, I don't like it. But when they explained origin and its meaning. Everything started moving and changing. Whole position got changed and I reached to extreme.

What is the meaning of sanedo?
The original pronunciation and word is snehdo(Gujarati: સ્નેહડો), derived from the word sneh (Gujarati: સ્નેહ), meaning love or affection. Sanedo contains couplets of four lines and has a striking resemblance to bhavai, a folk drama form from Gujarat.

I played[danced] on sanedo for thrice during retreat and effect it had was amazing. more than that tune was accompanying me till now. In such state some words were scribbled down and a new sanedo has been formed. 

let's go for snehdo...

આ નાણું મારું, બધા ગાતા આ ગાણું;
આ નાણું મારું, પાડે મોટું કાણુ;
એક ટંકના ભાણા હારું, ભાન ભુલાવે સાલું લાલ સનેડો.. સનેડો સનેડો નાણાનો સનેડો... સનેડો સનેડો

ખાણ ખોદી, ડુંગર ખડકે; માલ લાદી, જગતે ભટકે;
વાદી ભેદી જાતને કટકે, નાણા હારું જાતને પટકે.... પોતે ખોદેલી ખાણમાં... સનેડો.. નાણાનો સનેડો... સનેડો સનેડો સનેડો લાલ સનેડો

ગર્તાની નીરાશામાં, શીખરોની આશામાં,
નાણું વ્હાવે એ નાણામાં.. વ્હાણ ચલાવવાં સાગરમાં લાલ સનેડો..સનેડો.. નાણાનો સનેડો... સનેડો સનેડો સનેડો લાલ સનેડો

મુલ્ય સમજી, મુળમાં રહે; જગત જગદીશ દિલમાં રહે;
મર્મ સાથે કર્મ કરી, ફુલ-ફળ સર્વે વેરે...
નાણા ને તે નાથી લે... નાણું તેનું સાથી રે લાલ સનેડો... સનેડો.. નાણાનો સનેડો... સનેડો સનેડો સનેડો લાલ સનેડો

Translation [not word to word]
this money is mine, everyone is singing this song
this money is mine, makes big big hole
for one time of food, it makes us forget our self ... sanedo

by digging mines, it creates mountain;
imposing goods on back, it roams everywhere in world;
with isms, secrets, self divide.. it throws away self into mine for want of money... sanedo..

In deep depression of loss, to hope of reaching at top of mountain,

 spending money in a drainage[channel], to move the ship in sea... sanedo

understanding true value, who remains in root,
who keeps world and lord in his/her heart;
does all action with right attitude/understanding and gives fruits and flowers everywhere...
such human is able to kill menace of money. and money becomes true friend of those... sanedoo.

Thank you jagdish bhai from sri arvind sadhana kendra ahmedabad for tea and wonderful conversation. from where I got this line 'આ નાણું મારું, પાડે મોટું કાણુ'.

Lots of thanks to khusmita Di and Rahul bhai for making sanedo lovely and lively part of retreat. waiting for singing & dancing, moving and spreading love everywhere.

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