Namaste, I am writing after a long time. As first thought came and took shape in Gujarati. While writing them down in diary, it shifted to English. I went to with this new mode. I didn't tried or pushed mind to change language or even translate them from one to another. Just because more number of people can read, I have typed Gujarati portion in Devanagari script. I am sorry, if this attempt hurts anyone in any form. Also not taken that great care in its spelling and punctuation. I am not full time writer nor have time to redraft and revise for third time.
आजे सवार थी 'शुभ दशेरा' 'हॅपी दशहरा' विजया दशमी ना संदेशा आवी रहया छे. whatsapp आने facebook, social media पर.
आजे खाली नही, वारे त्यावहारे, सर्व समये आवा शुभेच्छा वाला संदेशा आवे छे. पण आटली बधि शुभेच्छा जो आपनने मलति होय तो पछि... ?
बहु प्रश्न उभा थाय छे. विचारो आवे छे.
आखु गाम शुभेच्छा आपे एटले आपने आपवा बेसिए? मोटे भागे copy-paste or forward करता रहिये. ज़रा थोबो, जुवो - how much head, heard & hand went into it? who had maximum percentage - head or heart or hand, behind this action? शुभेच्छा ना ढगला. आ शुभेच्छा ना वहेण, तरवु कई रीते?
दशहरा ए संस्कृत शब्द छे? ए प्रश्ननो उत्तर तो कोई पंडित आपे.
अने बीजा सवालोना जवाब तो आपडे आपड़ि जात पासेथिज मांगवा रहया.
मारी अंदर शुभेच्छा आपवा थनघाट थय रह्यो हतो. आध्यात्मिक, धार्मिक, life management थी तर्बतोर संदेशा हता सामे. चयन कठिन हतु.
I was looking for something more, original. Never to say original is one which comes from within.
Than this message 'Dasshera is a Sanskrit term', had taken a control over mind. suddenly a pressure was built over head. Three - four thought, question came in a flash and left. I tried and tied them back here.
1- Spirituality, festivity is not an escape.
2- What's so special Ram did to kill Ravana? Did He really killed 10headed person or something else?
3- Exile from real life, how long?
After some time they took more concrete form and shape.
1st point is very personal. Everyone has freedom to figure out what does that statement means? Where does it resonates?
Let's look at second one.
I am sure many of us have received message about removal of 10 bad qualities on this auspicious day. Real meaning of Dusshera and so on.

That's wonderful! Once upon a time, i too liked that message.
Yet, today that wasn't the case. I wanted to go little deeper.
Very first thing came up was 'Hit on Bally.'
"Hit on Bally".
Words echoed in my ear.
This is what I was looking for, a message.
Ram also first went behind beheading head of Ravana. Every time He targeted an arrow to his head and Beheaded him. Next instant another head used to come up. Again and again, same gets repeated. Until a Wise man like Vibhishan comes and tells Lord Ram, 'Hit on the bally'.
Isn't that very similar to our approaches to solve problems. We go behind those symptoms, those people (in whom we see those obscure mistakes, crime; which might be just few percent of whole person and rest might be really good.) We overlook. No, we never take a pain, struggle to find the root cause. Something like what Buddha did, to take up a challenge of finding the root cause.
We always go behind those tip of iceberg and main chunk remain underneath as it is. We enjoy cutting those heads. We feel we got the Justice and so on. World remains the same.
WOW! a lot to learn from here. I don't feel explaining anything over here. I know everyone is wise enough to look back and reflect. Or not that much than at least to ask questions.
Let me tell you something more in a connection. Above story as you know from Ramayana is one of the story behind celebration of Dusshera. Another one is from Mahabharata. A day when Pandava returns from the exile, takes their weapons which they had hid it in/on apta tree.
Isn't this time to return from our slumber exile in sleep. To take up our weapons (read tools) to find the root cause and swipe them away.
Connect this stories. You might find more.
I deeply wish now.
A fire been lit in each & everyone of us. A fire which help us & guide us to find root cause and remove it. May everyone find the right tool to look within and practice in real life (not of exile or of show off).
Eti Shubham
आजे सवार थी 'शुभ दशेरा' 'हॅपी दशहरा' विजया दशमी ना संदेशा आवी रहया छे. whatsapp आने facebook, social media पर.
आजे खाली नही, वारे त्यावहारे, सर्व समये आवा शुभेच्छा वाला संदेशा आवे छे. पण आटली बधि शुभेच्छा जो आपनने मलति होय तो पछि... ?
बहु प्रश्न उभा थाय छे. विचारो आवे छे.
आखु गाम शुभेच्छा आपे एटले आपने आपवा बेसिए? मोटे भागे copy-paste or forward करता रहिये. ज़रा थोबो, जुवो - how much head, heard & hand went into it? who had maximum percentage - head or heart or hand, behind this action? शुभेच्छा ना ढगला. आ शुभेच्छा ना वहेण, तरवु कई रीते?
दशहरा ए संस्कृत शब्द छे? ए प्रश्ननो उत्तर तो कोई पंडित आपे.
अने बीजा सवालोना जवाब तो आपडे आपड़ि जात पासेथिज मांगवा रहया.
मारी अंदर शुभेच्छा आपवा थनघाट थय रह्यो हतो. आध्यात्मिक, धार्मिक, life management थी तर्बतोर संदेशा हता सामे. चयन कठिन हतु.
I was looking for something more, original. Never to say original is one which comes from within.
Than this message 'Dasshera is a Sanskrit term', had taken a control over mind. suddenly a pressure was built over head. Three - four thought, question came in a flash and left. I tried and tied them back here.
1- Spirituality, festivity is not an escape.
2- What's so special Ram did to kill Ravana? Did He really killed 10headed person or something else?
3- Exile from real life, how long?
After some time they took more concrete form and shape.
1st point is very personal. Everyone has freedom to figure out what does that statement means? Where does it resonates?
Let's look at second one.
I am sure many of us have received message about removal of 10 bad qualities on this auspicious day. Real meaning of Dusshera and so on.

That's wonderful! Once upon a time, i too liked that message.
Yet, today that wasn't the case. I wanted to go little deeper.
Very first thing came up was 'Hit on Bally.'
"Hit on Bally".
Words echoed in my ear.
This is what I was looking for, a message.
Ram also first went behind beheading head of Ravana. Every time He targeted an arrow to his head and Beheaded him. Next instant another head used to come up. Again and again, same gets repeated. Until a Wise man like Vibhishan comes and tells Lord Ram, 'Hit on the bally'.
Isn't that very similar to our approaches to solve problems. We go behind those symptoms, those people (in whom we see those obscure mistakes, crime; which might be just few percent of whole person and rest might be really good.) We overlook. No, we never take a pain, struggle to find the root cause. Something like what Buddha did, to take up a challenge of finding the root cause.
We always go behind those tip of iceberg and main chunk remain underneath as it is. We enjoy cutting those heads. We feel we got the Justice and so on. World remains the same.
WOW! a lot to learn from here. I don't feel explaining anything over here. I know everyone is wise enough to look back and reflect. Or not that much than at least to ask questions.
Let me tell you something more in a connection. Above story as you know from Ramayana is one of the story behind celebration of Dusshera. Another one is from Mahabharata. A day when Pandava returns from the exile, takes their weapons which they had hid it in/on apta tree.
Isn't this time to return from our slumber exile in sleep. To take up our weapons (read tools) to find the root cause and swipe them away.
Connect this stories. You might find more.
I deeply wish now.
A fire been lit in each & everyone of us. A fire which help us & guide us to find root cause and remove it. May everyone find the right tool to look within and practice in real life (not of exile or of show off).
Eti Shubham