Thursday, January 25, 2018

stories - images

सब झूठा, 
जगत कहानियों का ठेला। 

सत को भी पहनावे रूप अनेक, 
यह अदम मानव का खेल। 

 तू मानव , 
मन मे नाव चला 
कही नही जाना, कुछ नही पाना 
बस मजधारे ध्यान लगा।



Trying to manage image 
which others have about me 
Of good saintly brahmachary, sincere and bla bla 
Trying to create image which I set for I... 
Which is wavering and changes 
like movies in theatre screen. 
In midst of all image making,
 I is been lost
watching all this 

Mind a trick master 
Ready to spin another image.. 
Please don't listen 
watch Another image

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

world of words

Past year
like all other year
lasted only for a year.

A trend i see
in writing which penned down.
Specially those in last year.
All had something very similar and typical.
One or Two word
which has caught the attention
whole drama were created around them.
One word and all its rhyme family
Making thousand meaning and connection.

In next moment
another word
another world


Pass - Pass Game of Life

We all have played that game - pass the parcel. Where music is played in background, parcel (pillow or ball or such object) is passed in the...