Friday, December 30, 2016


[unorganized thoughts in a sentence forming something.]

word 'LAST' and 'SALT' are made up of same four letters.
SALT normally comes LAST into the party and adds the charm.
Condition: one should put SALT as much needed else chances of spoiling are more.
Whatever we did LAST turns immediately into the PAST. 
On that account, PAST is like a SALT.
Something which can increase or decrease our blood pressure.
Reason PAST hold so much importance in our life is simple.
We want those PAST image either to LAST forever with us or for us
Or we wish its LAST time in this life for those PAST image. 
Just like things decay if kept for too long inside SALT; 
Same happens if remain too long with the PAST.

This might be the LAST message as year 2016 PAST away.
Its solely up-to us how to use PAST.
Something like putting SALT [a good memory] to brighten and made things delicious
Or putting SALT on fresh wound this PAST year has given.

Everything is going so FAST, 
let me also say at LAST,
'All this blog post in past 10 days are just because in this VAST space something got CAST
in forms of word. And those words still LAST. Gives gentle reminder that 'Nothing LAST'.

"To the ego, the present moment hardly exists." - Eckhart tolle

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I want to say something to you..

મારે કાંઈક કહેવું છે તને,
એમ કહીને હું ચુપ થઈ જાવ ને
નીરવ શાંતીમા સરી પડુ
અને તુ મને સાંભળે.

હું બધુંજ શબ્દોમાં ગુંથવા મથું ને
તુ આવીને મારી બધીજ ગુંથ ઉકેલી દે.

તુ કોણ્? એ પ્રશ્ન પહેલો આવે ખરો
પણ રહી જાય 'હૂં કોણ્?'

હવે છુપાવવું નથી, ને
નથી રહેવું ચુપ હવે.
મને કહી દેવા દે ભવ્યતા,
ઓ દિવ્યતા
પરમ ને પ્રેમ છે આ,
કોઇ વ્હેમ નથી,
તારી રહેમ.

બસ આટ્લુંજ

Translation {thanks to google, even though its not perfect - i liked it}:

I say unto thee,

By saying I become silent

Surrey catch noiseless santima

And you hears me.

I gunthava mathum all words

Ye give me, and solved all guntha.

Tu kon? The question of what comes first

Even after they "do kon?

Now do not evade, the

Do not remain silent anymore.

I say let us give glory,

O Divine

Love is the ultimate,

No wham,

Thy mercies.

Just atlunja

Friday, December 23, 2016

Silent Day

[Note: It's hard to communicate yet can't stop the urge to write and share. May be its the way to fill in or give out. Many a point while writing, certain words and phrases been used to express and yet they fell short or used just for sake of communication. Specially those where differences are created between inside and outside, inward and outward or just layers of existence lived simultaneously. When one sees it, feels it and listens it than one will able to figure out them. Otherwise for our mind and in current state, understanding with differences, comparison is much easy. SO WHILE READING TRY TO BE SILENT AND READ THE SILENT SPACES BETWEEN EACH SENTENCE, WORDS AND LETTERS. Om Shanti.]

The Moment I opened my eyes in morning today, I felt some difference. What was it? I didn't knew at that time nor i know completely right now. It continued like that and till now it is. What I am writing here is just an attempt to feel it more, to feel it with more clarity.
Routine task happened with ease while mind was busy in some other thoughts and awareness that all of this is happening. As journey from home to office began, i felt like i left it. Every step taken found an opportunity to Remember and Offer. Specially those moment when unwanted thought had past or Senses brought in and created a ripple.

"Whose birthday is today?" A simple thought crossed the mind as it happens daily. And mostly when I reach railway platform to catch train. To wish friends and be part of new beginning. Answer of this question was surprising to me at first and later it meant a lot. "Can't recall whose birthday is today whom I have to wish. Facebook will tell that. But I feel like its your birthday today." Happy Birthday to Me. Wow! So early.

And train arrives too. On time. As i enter and get settled inside, mobile comes out and with that FB. 
Series of post from previous year to present. If i start giving account of each and every detail than I don't know how much time i need to spent behind that. So not going into details.

"All here is a mystery of contraries:
Darkness a magic of self-hidden Light,
Suffering some secret rapture's tragic mask
And death an instrument of perpetual life."
- Sri Aurobindo, savitri:600

And death an instrument of perpetual life....
I felt that too, a jump from birth to death. An emptiness felt inside heart. Reaction followed soon to remove emptiness. While searching for song, landed up on...

या निज़ामुद्दीन औलिया,
या निज़ामुद्दीन सलक़ा
क़दम बढ़ा ले
हदों को मिटा ले
आजा ख़ालीपन में, पी का घर तेरा
तेरे बिन ख़ाली, आजा, ख़ालीपन में
कुन फ़याकुन, कुन फ़याकुन
फ़याकुन, फ़याकुन
O Nizamuddin Auliya
O Nizamuddin Salqa
Take a step fro
Erase your limits
Come into the void, the house of your lover
It is empty without you, come into the void
O bestower of hue...
Kun fayakun, kun fayakun, fayakun, fayakun
Be! And it is
And it is
And it is
[song here: Kun Fayakun]
 Instead of filling something and removing emptiness. Song made more of void within. So Parampriya can come and Play. Track changes and here comes a bigger surprise.

I hear the silence calling me,
So softly calling me,
To what I have always been
I am burning and burning in your grace
I surrender to this mystery,
I awaken to the beauty.

Now its time to get down from the train and wait for another one towards destination. Silence going deep and calling. So softly that ___________. 
Yes, burning and burning but thy Grace is there. This Burning of Heart sounds sweets and feels more intense. No idea what is the yearning of heart. Good part is surrender of all plans and dreams and of past & future were done. Burning increased as those were the homages to fire, to The Lord. Mind remember this is not a sacrifice but a surrender. A surrender which has brought so much joy.

And on other side at few times when above things were going on, mind wanted to come out. Mind wanted to talk with people and continue discussion happen over yesterday and yesteryear.

Grace! Grace acted and flow continued, didn't allowed mind to do so. A long preparation still require to train and tame the mind. 

Many things than followed and still flowing. Don't feel like sharing them. In gist something which has come is very simple.

Remember and Offer. 

At the service of Parampriya....

Kadam badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

Read more: badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

Read more:
Kadam badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

Read more:
Kadam badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

Read more:

Monday, December 19, 2016

Image Made And Given by Ego.

Given by

Image Made And Given by Ego. Which was hold tight, loose and all in between.
Image Made And Given by Ego. Which was hold in front of light, Dark and all in between.
Image Made And Given by Ego. Which was hold close, far and all in between.
Image Made And Given by Ego. Which was hold on high, low and all in between.

Image which was taken as still absolute;
So I, the ego can go and get there.
So I, the ego can meet and make it perfect. 
So I, the ego can show and seat there.

Image, Is Moving Always Growing Evolving.
A message came.

Hard to take, In.
Hard to Make life with it.
Hard to Accept.
Hard to Give away
that build over time, by Ego.

Following message,
to Instil Moving Always Growing Evolving, IMAGE of I.

Impermanence, Impermanence, Impermanence, Impermanence !!!
Again & again
Ear, enough of ease & hope to end rule of ego.

Its so verbal now I ask to make it visual. 
When that be done, realisation comes on.

Include the practice of observation,
Moment to moment
Alert and Awake
Give away judgement
Equanimously hold.

If its IMAGE, I in past or in future
as present doesn't have image.
Present where tribunal of
creation, sustenance and destruction meets.
Present, the one which is always in motion. 
How can Present hold IMAGE?
The Moment you capture the IMAGE of present moment it becomes the Past.
The Moment you want to capture as IMAGE in present are of Future.
Rather than capturing, move & flow from one to another.

one go IN
going in with practice, more & more inner and Inner Most
Lets you to Inner Most Abode
Key to Inner Most Abode's Gate?
Key to Inner Most Abode is Giving with Gratitude to the One
Seated on thrown of Inner Most Abode.
So much that Inner Most Abode Govern Ever.

Forever, Inner Most Abode Govern Every
aspects and being.

Still this is a new image I hold, upfront and back.
Guiding my path from Impermanence to Permanence.

In continuation of yesterday's blog 'IMAGE' some more words, some more connection and vocalization of deepest & highest aspiration done.

After writing yesterday's piece I was not feeling that completeness which normally follows. Rather there was more unrest and I knew something is still in process to emerge. It was during light conversation with new friend about the piece. Those meaning hit me, Yet that was not the time. Today after whole day, when I sat down with diary and started writing, something came. Working upon that, gate open and than there was a flow. with very less disturbance from within, out and without. Here is what came up.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Image is a maze created by I,
To keep you amaze.

Real or Virtual, Small or Magnified
Its about selections, whether subject or object.

Let scientist debate on duality, 
whether its wave or particle.
Let mystics proclaim oneness.
What you and I will do?
Calculate or Create more,

Images of Self, World & all about,
Images of life, work & all about,
Images of Success, weakness & all about.

To pursue those images,
calculating, creating many more.
Whether its illusion, vision or just imagination.
Whether its color or in black & white,
All will have values attached, hanging on frame.
Proclaiming its worth, of past & future.
Lens of Present not, value guides & shape image.

Image some time a bubble,
came forth in some waves movement.
Image sometime a sculpture,
carved on stone with particle around.
Image to adore or pity, to love or hate,
speaking a volume from silent might.

Image is nothing but a maze created by I.
When learn putting I,
not in front but towards the end.
Image creation will be flowing, making magic.
Surrender to the hand of above,
from where way out of maze been seen,
Break the image of sides and sights,
i m age

go and do it now
as i m age
will not wait by your side
but will have game i

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Who arranged this journey?

Who arranged this journey?
Whether it was by this little i, which claims to be Big.
Or She who always remain present on side and back and everywhere.
At every step, I meet whom i suppose to meet.
However i didn't planned to meet them all.
Sharing took place, wishes shared and gave a push ahead.
At every step, work was there. Waiting, for offering hand.
Just need to go and do, play your part and move on.
Machine or Man put on work,
while a deeper talk with fellow beings goes on.
At every step you see.
someone holds you and takes you there.
Where you supposed to be.
someone holds you and makes you say.
What you supposed to share.
Now, when i seat and reflect.
I wonder and count blessings received.
I wish and pray for well being of all..
with peace, courage and love
let yearning of soul leads our journey on.




Pass - Pass Game of Life

We all have played that game - pass the parcel. Where music is played in background, parcel (pillow or ball or such object) is passed in the...