Friday, December 23, 2016

Silent Day

[Note: It's hard to communicate yet can't stop the urge to write and share. May be its the way to fill in or give out. Many a point while writing, certain words and phrases been used to express and yet they fell short or used just for sake of communication. Specially those where differences are created between inside and outside, inward and outward or just layers of existence lived simultaneously. When one sees it, feels it and listens it than one will able to figure out them. Otherwise for our mind and in current state, understanding with differences, comparison is much easy. SO WHILE READING TRY TO BE SILENT AND READ THE SILENT SPACES BETWEEN EACH SENTENCE, WORDS AND LETTERS. Om Shanti.]

The Moment I opened my eyes in morning today, I felt some difference. What was it? I didn't knew at that time nor i know completely right now. It continued like that and till now it is. What I am writing here is just an attempt to feel it more, to feel it with more clarity.
Routine task happened with ease while mind was busy in some other thoughts and awareness that all of this is happening. As journey from home to office began, i felt like i left it. Every step taken found an opportunity to Remember and Offer. Specially those moment when unwanted thought had past or Senses brought in and created a ripple.

"Whose birthday is today?" A simple thought crossed the mind as it happens daily. And mostly when I reach railway platform to catch train. To wish friends and be part of new beginning. Answer of this question was surprising to me at first and later it meant a lot. "Can't recall whose birthday is today whom I have to wish. Facebook will tell that. But I feel like its your birthday today." Happy Birthday to Me. Wow! So early.

And train arrives too. On time. As i enter and get settled inside, mobile comes out and with that FB. 
Series of post from previous year to present. If i start giving account of each and every detail than I don't know how much time i need to spent behind that. So not going into details.

"All here is a mystery of contraries:
Darkness a magic of self-hidden Light,
Suffering some secret rapture's tragic mask
And death an instrument of perpetual life."
- Sri Aurobindo, savitri:600

And death an instrument of perpetual life....
I felt that too, a jump from birth to death. An emptiness felt inside heart. Reaction followed soon to remove emptiness. While searching for song, landed up on...

या निज़ामुद्दीन औलिया,
या निज़ामुद्दीन सलक़ा
क़दम बढ़ा ले
हदों को मिटा ले
आजा ख़ालीपन में, पी का घर तेरा
तेरे बिन ख़ाली, आजा, ख़ालीपन में
कुन फ़याकुन, कुन फ़याकुन
फ़याकुन, फ़याकुन
O Nizamuddin Auliya
O Nizamuddin Salqa
Take a step fro
Erase your limits
Come into the void, the house of your lover
It is empty without you, come into the void
O bestower of hue...
Kun fayakun, kun fayakun, fayakun, fayakun
Be! And it is
And it is
And it is
[song here: Kun Fayakun]
 Instead of filling something and removing emptiness. Song made more of void within. So Parampriya can come and Play. Track changes and here comes a bigger surprise.

I hear the silence calling me,
So softly calling me,
To what I have always been
I am burning and burning in your grace
I surrender to this mystery,
I awaken to the beauty.

Now its time to get down from the train and wait for another one towards destination. Silence going deep and calling. So softly that ___________. 
Yes, burning and burning but thy Grace is there. This Burning of Heart sounds sweets and feels more intense. No idea what is the yearning of heart. Good part is surrender of all plans and dreams and of past & future were done. Burning increased as those were the homages to fire, to The Lord. Mind remember this is not a sacrifice but a surrender. A surrender which has brought so much joy.

And on other side at few times when above things were going on, mind wanted to come out. Mind wanted to talk with people and continue discussion happen over yesterday and yesteryear.

Grace! Grace acted and flow continued, didn't allowed mind to do so. A long preparation still require to train and tame the mind. 

Many things than followed and still flowing. Don't feel like sharing them. In gist something which has come is very simple.

Remember and Offer. 

At the service of Parampriya....

Kadam badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

Read more: badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

Read more:
Kadam badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

Read more:
Kadam badha le
Haddon ko mita le
Aaja khalipan mein pee ka ghar tera
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein
Tere bin khali aaja khalipan mein

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