Saturday, December 30, 2017

When 2017 die?

Some lines, random... Towards end... Might not make sense.. as I am not writing to make a patter , a sense to understand.
When you are near there is no fear.
It's your dearness which creates fear.
From ear or from err
I get fear.
It like looking from rear mirror
Things are closer than they appear.
Who gets disappear
I fear on my rhyme and poem
Does that make any sense
Difference in sensing
Makes me at either ease or fear
That's a constant message I am sending
Past to future
Love is one.
Fear is dual, that's why it broads very near.
Zero is one, first
You add, subtract, multiply or divide you know what you going to get.
But not with
One.. as it comes second.
It can sense
Dual power
High low
Good bad
Happy sad
Wait a minute!
Have you waited?
Didn't I told to wait?
So it's like this I don't do what I sense or been told
Reason sometimes are lamb and too cold.
Lets have a hot tea and end fear of all toxin passed so far.
If you still have some fear, call them very near.
Stood in front face to face , don't show your ass.
That's the only way to ace the fear.
Love is one.

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