Two years ago, I heard it's name 'Be Me' from the director of the school where I was working.She gave brief intro of the school 'Be Me' to all teachers, after her visit to the school. I had very little knowledge till than of Summer Hill school and Democratic way of school system. It would be appropriate to say democratic learning. I had seen book in library and went through the summary. But nothing more then that I knew. I was fascinated and thought I would visit this school one day. Visit to 'Be Me' school happened on 12th of September 2018. Actually, I had forgotten about them. It was by my friend who reminded and gave contacts to be there. I went through there website very superficially before visit. I reached there almost on time they had given me. One child opened the gate and welcomed me. Another guided to a place, where co-founder and sakha and their student were discussing. (Sakha is a term used to call teacher. Sakha literally means a friend. Here a person who helps and provide support in learning.) Children were all around engaged in their own task. Few were busy preparing home for lizard and collecting lizards for their study. One girl was burning various material from thermocole to rubber to synthetic and natural part to see what happens. She was supervised by an adult and helped to light the fire. Few were engaged in discussing good , best and worst part of triathlon , which they participated just a day ago. Pair of kids were busy in cutting a wooden piece to make guitar. While younger ones were either making something or doing their independent learning task. I can go on and on...What kids were doing, exploring and learning.. or I can tell how school tour, my engagement and other stuff like that. I doubt whether any of that would make a sense. Where our eyes are acustom and mind condition to see square rooms, grilled window (may be glass ones thanks to air-conditioned classroom and helping our way for pollutionЁЯШв), black/green/white boards, benches and chairs, teacher in front. You will not find any such things here. What you will find is utilizing the best of every portion of the building to its maximum. You will see computer zone to game zone, discussion, library and meditation room. Resource room and open verandah, self directed learning zone and literacy & numeracy block , science and carpentery area. All well arranged and managed by children. From fixing it's budget to running and doing. They also meet in assembly but it's democratic in nature. Where work been decided, issues are raised and resolved. However couldn't witness it in running. Still, whole of its functioning seems beautiful. Point to be taken is learner learns raising voice and resolving issues among each other, respecting each other. Off course adults interventions and guidance will require. But till what extent and when remains in question? Untill we do not try, how can we come to know? I liked their frankness and were happy to see their own learning journey. I forgot to tell you sakha(teacher) also has a one vote only. No vito power except in some case (I might be wrong here.) They have created their constitution, which they refer on time to time basis. They do not ask superior authority (means adults with more knowledge , infornatiin) for telling what to do in certain situation but all refer to same constitution. It can get change in fortnight assembly meeting after discussion and dialogue on it. Another surprising element is their judiciary system comprise of one sakha and student lead chief. Where issues are posted and resolved. With 60+ learner below 18 years and 10+ learner above 18years, whole place is thriving from morning 8 to 4. It's been three year in existence and fourth year going on... Small, simple things works much better. Here sakhas role becomes very important and requires good amount of alertness, awakening and awareness of each and everything. Some questions are hard to find answer while for some it's not always good to allow learner to explore and take long time.. yet eventually learning takes place at much faster rate and with interest. I found our own ideas, theory and concept are tested while working with the kids here. As Sakha's learn and grow, I am sure place will blossom more with the flow. Children are also smart and tries to take advantage and manipulate things. That's where one needs to be vulnerable, work with intelligence and be in Now. Just talking with them(student) for almost an hour or more, very interesting questions came up. A simple and small discussion can ignite so many thing and various small and important learning takes place. It can inspire someone, generates ideas and solutions, clears the doubt and much more. Thank you BeMeian for wonderful session 'lets talk about it' . I salute to the spirit of sakha, parent and mostly of student to making and keeping alive such place where learning truly happens in leisure , in freedom. Among all anarchy based system, such school stands apart and gives hope, a courage to just Be. Not to run away from the school or situation but wind-up clear the confusion and conflict while music of eternity plays on. (Yes, no bells. A music , soft goes on and children arranged and keep the materials back, organizes their stuff before leaving the school). I hope and wish this small sphere of Be Me, expands into Be We. As Me and We are not different. They are one and the same..
Here is a link to their website.