Friday, September 21, 2018

Responding to a Call: A journey begins

It's exactly 905 days ago, I went for a call.
Today I am travelling again, in the same train. Last time call was for the service and offering. This time it's for sourcing our oneness.
Call is always felt inside and outer responds to it.
Destinations are different yet aims are same. Person has changed.
Last time I had a travel partner and unreserved ticket. This time (atleast in train), I don't have any travel partner but a reserved ticket. Last time I didn't had plan to return back home. While this time I have not only plan but reserved ticket for return journey.
What's similar is few things planned and few unplanned. Oneness to embrace the unknown. This time more prepared.

Drawing parallel between this two journey itself bringing so much insight, that looking forward with open receptivity for more.

A call from Himalaya
Many time I had planned to be but it's always a call which makes it happen.
It's been always a journey more within then it happens outside.
One needs to prepare for listening and following the call.
Physically, psychologically and mentally there is always more to prepare. As journey happens more frequent and you become a traveller. No, you are on pilgrimage.. preparation becomes shorter and shorter. This happens on physical plane more and goes inward too.
At psychological plane to it takes some time to bring that shift and work.

As I observe, mind has become more ready and in Present moment to receive.
Very less imagery to achieve. Rather welcoming all that comes. Unlike last time, there is more calm to reach and meet himalaya. Not much of thinking of what and how of things to be done and going to happen. When you will reach and all anxiety of journey..Nothing of that sorts comes into view... Memory seen now, past in Present.. future is present as journey unfolds.

Golden Temple Mail

Name of train in which I am moving towards the destination.
Never been at Golden Temple though but feels like going to it.
I don't know when I will visit such holy place nor I want to make another desire for such visit. Let CALL come.
Himalay calling is nothing less then making a golden temple within. So lord can come and stay over there.
Journey makes you little more strong, little more sensitive... As one goes into this TAPAS... One becomes more refine, pure..
जो जले सो कुंदन होवे
To be a gold, a pure gold... One need to go into this fire.
In contrast himalaya fire is more hidden from outside it looks and really feels so cold..
Isn't it testing you, how much fire you are holding within. Not only to survive the extreme weather and climate condition at high altitude but also how you keep this fire for progress burning in the world.
With each journey, I have found that himalaya actually rekindle the fire within. It never exhaust fire within, rather it ignites the new and fresh.

Himalaya.. shall I tell you father or mother. You have been all.
यह राधा, यह धारा, तुमसे ही निकली है।
आज फिर तुम और चली है।
यह जानने के, में कौन हूं?
तुम तो जानते हो सब, देखते हो सब।
तुम्हारी गोद मे फिरसे में वह सब देखना सुनना
चाहता हु।
तुम अटल हो, अचल हो।
में चंचल और तेज।
तुम उच्च शिखरों से गगन से बाते करते।
में निम्न, बस ज़ोर ज़ोर से उसे पुकारता।
बस में इतना ही हु जानता तुम्हे,
तुम और भी बहुत कुछ हो।
कुछ मेरी समझ मे, और कही कुछ मेरी समझ के बाहर।
आज फिर तुम और चली हु,
खुदी को ढूढंने,
खुद को तुझमे खो देने।
यह धारा, यह राधा
उल्टी नही बह रही।
आभास तो यही होता हे,
पर यह सिर्फ आभास हे, हकीक़त नहीं।
मुझे बस इतना पता हे,
में तेरी औऱ चली हूँ।

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