Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Do you have a Dream Team?

Do you have a Dream Team?

Your own personal team. Not of IPL or EPL, but your personal team which has power to guide, mould as well as make you a happy, successful Person. A person you truly deserve to Be.

I am going to share something very personal with a hope that it may help you to lead a life.
The phrase ‘Dream Team’ is not new or well held secret. It was known secret by many different names. In Indian tradition it used to be called as kula devi and ista devata [clan goddess and personal idols]. In Arabia they were called farishtey and In Rome-Europe they were called Angels. Here we are not going into region and religion, but will take up that very idea into our Age.

What we going to do is, take an overview of the process and products. Than i will answer common question pertaining to Dream Team and last will share my own experience as an example, to see how process works.

Imagine you have an appointment with five person whom you consider as your ideal/well-wisher. May be they are among Gandhi and Vivekananda or Einstein and Bose or Abdul Kalam and Kalpana Chawla or Steve Jobs and Tata or Krishna and Christ or Your Father and Friend. They all are going to come together just to meet you at mountain hill top. Out of their busy schedule and hectic work-load, all of them are coming just to help you, encourage you. This time you have some particular questions for them. Those question may be about problems you are facing in relations/family/study/work or any thing under the sun or just question out of curiosity. Those questions doesn’t matter to them, they are joyful ever and what they are looking forward is to see you and have a conversation with you. You are also excited about meeting them, personally and sharing your life moment.

After meeting… you come to your home and still cherishing those moments you recollect what they had said to you. You are at peace now, as you have found answers of your questions, solutions of few problems and you are confident enough to tackle those problems now. This is what Dream Team does to you, sets you on positive note. Rekindles spirit within you and make you in touch with solutions hidden within you. believe it or not, all of them are there to help you and guide you. Only thing you have to do is to take out some time from your schedule, seat in silence, call them, meet them. Spend some wonderful time with them. As you will relax, flow of creativity, abundance of love and bliss will engulf you. They will fill you with new hope, new energy to work with patience and perseverance till you achieve your goal.

So are you ready to meet your Dream Team? To Unleash power of yours with them and creating a better future. Here is a way towards that in a question answer format.

What is a Dream Team?

It is a team of personalities with highest qualities and virtues. Those who have done something significant in their life-time. This significant things may be for their families and friends or for community or for profession they were in or for whole nation and world. All member of team, has a vision to see beyond and courage to follow up their vision. Or may be they were hard-working, happy individual who walked the path with dignity.

You have some good connection with them. You have now become fellow traveller with them. and as your journey move on, Whenever you are stuck or want some assistance or help, they come to meet and assist you. They are link between your problem and solutions.

Whom to take in your Dream Team?

One can select any one in this team. Someone you adore for their well doing. Someone on whom you have trust and know that they can give you right guidance. It may be any person from your family to famous personalities. That person might be living or has left a legacy. There is no upper-limit for how many members one should have in one dream team. May be you want to start with small three or five member team. take care that they represent different domains of life, from relation to religion and profession to personal.

Some important pointer for selecting your dream team:

1 - You should have fair amount of knowledge about those personalities, either by personal experience or through their acts or through their biographies.
2 - Select one who matches with your personality more.
3 - Rather than thinking about them, just close your eyes, go in silence and they will find you - they will come to you.

How to meet them? When and Where to meet them?

Once you have prepared your dream team and known who’s who. You are ready to meet them. You can select any beautiful place where just you and your dream team can spend some good time. You can call them anytime and from anywhere. At initial stage keeping time and place [physical ones] fixed, helps a lot to continue the process. Whenever you call them, don’t go because you have problem. first just start meeting with them, feel how much in awe you will be when legends like them are in front of you. What kind of thoughts and feelings will be there. Share those things with them. Once you establish a relation, narrate your problem or ask your questions to them. remember be specific, provide every detail yet remaining to the point. They have come specially for you, so take care of their time. Sometime you can be direct and ask “How you have tackled so and so situations?” they might give answers then or they inspire you to read something from their works or come in contact with silence. Sometime [mostly when mind is too active] it seems they are not coming or telling what you want, than don’t keep on persisting to find something, Rather wind-up your meeting and talk about that in your next meeting. There are no rules of how many time you can meet in a week or a month. Its upto you, meeting daily or once a week might be good start.

Still, I am not able to understand and follow you?
Ok, no problem what you can do is find 30 minutes of time from your schedule. Download this meditation file. Seat in your room or any place where you can be just with yourself for half an hour. Play this audio file and follow the instruction. link for file : https://soundcloud.com/nithya-shanti/dream_team or you can google it ‘Dream Team Meditation with Nithya Shanti’. I came across this somewhere four years ago and had practiced it few times. Even Though I have never got chance to do dream team meditation personally with Nithya Shanti still audio contains same amount of power as you are with him. Audio gives clear instructions and by second and third attempt you will be familiar with what to do and how to do it. The Dream Team Meditation always solves my questions at least, may be because method came to me naturally some nine year ago. My own example may help you to understand dream team little better.

In audio file it is mentioned as dream team meditation. But for me it did not came as a meditation technique or as part of any technique. I was reading Swami Vivekananda’s Book in year 2006. Where He had mentioned that Indian Youth should worship Hanumanji, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna and Kali - Ma. Swamiji elaborated what qualities they have and why youth should worship them. [Hanuman - Service and Humility, Ram - Discipline, Krishna - Perfection and love, Kali - Power] And in same book he talked about having your personal Ideal and Master in life.

Taking hint from Swamiji’s message on night of Diwali, I wrote a letter to whom i call Fabulous Five and Superb Seven. In letter i just stated that I have selected you as my team member, I will be happy to receive you and share many things with you. Thereafter almost everyday in my diary i used to address them and share incidents of days to them and sometime ask questions about life, work, situations to them. Sometime answers comes soon and sometime never, sometime it comes in very unusual way and from unexpected sources. for example, last week I had asked my dream team certain question about life and before i complete my questioning and sharing. I received call from my uncle to come at his home urgently. I went there and found he had some urgent work and need to go with aunt far. grand-ma is alone at home so to take care till night. I was not prepared for spending time at uncle, no laptop or mobile or any book. I was stuck there just with food, grand-ma and television. After some time I started watching movie and as somewhere i was in half-sleep suddenly one of the member came and said pay attention, this movie are going to give answer of today’s question. And to surprise they gave it also.

When something like this happen, first of all it's hard to believe but as you trust and move on you will find that you are filled with peace and bliss, which stays like a tranquil water of lake. Over time I have extended my dream team. Let me introduce them to you, so you have little more idea. I have three teams. Fabulous Five is direct inspiration and as per words of Swami Vivekananda. Instead of Four of Swamiji’s - Hanumanji, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Kali Ma and Ganeshji. I kept ganeshji as I like him a lot and believed to be giver of intellect. To make further link with them out of many spiritual Master I have selected few, and they have some inter-related link. They are Ram Krishna Paramhansh, Swami Vivekananda, Maa Sarada, Sri Aurobindo, The Mother, Pandit Sri Ram Sharma Aacharya and Maa Bhagwati Devi.

And now the last one, whom i imagine in any normal situation and find what they would have done if they were in such a case. This team consist of Dr. Abdul Kalam, Nithya Shanti, Rahul Dravid (cricketer - only exception) and two more member from my profession, my seniors & mentor. Even though I can meet and talk with them, but sometime it’s difficult to find or share everything. Just knowing them and following dream team works out well.
What are you waiting for, your Dream Team is waiting for you. To realise your Dream…

  • Vidhyut Veg (26-05-2015)

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