Thursday, January 31, 2019

Puducherry Diary - Part Y

Continuing the mathematical derivations and expiation of life story.
In response to previous post on unknown X. A word pi and constant came up.
We somewhere know that this unknown is actually a constant, just like π - Pi. 
Whether you are far from the centre of existence or near. Value of π remains the same. So does Grace of Divine, Presence remains the same. It's another matter whether how much we are open and receive it. To speak in terms of duality.

Coming back to part Y.

Many times while solving mathematical equations we need to find Y. Finding Y leads you to X. And sometime it can be reverse too. 
On last two days of trip there was constant prayer where wanted to make Y and put X and Y into a bracket. 
This Y can be a place, words, person through or their one find that Unknown. We can label them with temple, mosque, church, scripture, and so on...

What strongly came to me is making heart a Y. Temple in where Unknown can dwell. The life becomes the bracket in which X and Y can be found through action, speech and thought.

Lips in sync with mind, sang a beautiful gujarati poem. Which in translation means..Let me make this life such that even god would like to stay. (પ્રભુને રહેવાનું મન થાય એવું જીવન બનાવું મારુ.)

This prayer, aspiration remains on, in dualistic mode of seeing. When you have two equations in life , one of your and other your creation of god.

Coming back to single equation, non-dualistic mode. I saw a circle and equation of circle. Where pi, constant is always there. Centre of self it begins and replaced by Self. Yet, not satisfied , moving away from the boundaries.centre dissolves into infinite... Not a hyperbolic...

Seeing all this movement, thoughts and dropping them off.

Journey continues by being present and knowing X and Y being there... That which gives ones a momentum to move on, that which tells the position. In this relative world, finite parts... 

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