Somewhere one needs to put a point to start on a circle. First point is obvious a center, an observer of all movements. But journey is not happening at static center but on the circumference. so lets select a point on the circle.
Point ZERO, 0 Degree - 1st August 2016
An Interview date for being part of The Polymath School. What I knew from HR agency was they are looking for a principal and main teacher. A project based learning (PBL) school, which also wants to incorporate values from their spiritual organization. Something I was looking for from many years. To start on combo of PBL and Values in mumbai. I saw an opportunity to collaborate and passion to bring PBL in mumbai. I felt that's what needed and I want it. Really?
Interview was more like a normal conversation with school's founder. Where I like simplicity , good vibe and decent connect. It seemed that opportunity is going to come and all will be well.
some point in clock-wise direction but in real backward tracing:
* I had travel from east of Hyderabad to Mumbai, only for this interview.
* Name of the school where I worked at that point of time 'New Creation Free progress school' (name will be used in word play)
* Salary from a school i had just joined (hardly a month) was about to come but I had no money in pocket. borrowed money from a friend to travel and make things work.
Journey in forward direction, moving towards tangent and diametrically opposite point:
* I got selected as a Home Room Teacher, later became part of Core Academic Team Member
* Seen many coming In and Out of people, lots of learning in process of starting a school.
* Played multiple role as per school name 'The Polymath'. and life moved on with interesting questions and problems. finding their answers and solutions on the way.
* Journey to USA - visiting PBL/EL schools, attending workshop on Play. {things started to turn now}
* Journey to USA - visiting PBL/EL schools, attending workshop on Play. {things started to turn now}
* Meeting again philosophical and yet too real question - 'What you really want to do?' 'If your purpose in life is A, and you want to start really working on it from 2022, why not now?' 'Aren't life is just moving under varied influences of various forces?'
@point 180 Degree, 31st july and 1st August 2018
* Now, I don't want to build anymore school or be in so called educational institute which are isolated from Life. Last day of Job (towards end only i felt it like I have job, else it was more collaboration and service!) - left with little bitterness, sad, enthusiasm for new opportunity in front, blank, Hard.
* Fear Still rules overall but deep down something is there which operates from love and trust. Surrender to it.
* Most important point, joining One Month Yoga Teacher training Course at The Yoga Institute, Santacruz, Mumbai. [It seems course supported me to get engage in work, grounded and come out of the shocks life is presenting to you. forever grateful !]
Moving towards 360Degree
* Outer Journey helps you to move ahead in your inner journey too. It brings new insights and clarity to work cheerfully in adverse circumstances and dark world.
* Connecting with Nature, Retreats at Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Nainital, Haridwar, Delhi, Hyderabad, Puducherry, Bengaluru.
* Completing Yoga Course and becoming Yoga Instructor for few days and sessions.
* Starting and working for School of Universal Life (S.O.U.L.) and then suddenly taking a Pause.
* Except financially, journey is taking an upward spiral and soon it will affect other areas too.
* Except financially, journey is taking an upward spiral and soon it will affect other areas too.
@point 360Degree, 1st August 2019
* One year from leaving a Job and Joining a Yoga Course.
* Awaiting for integrating Yoga and Education with daily life.
Word Play and World Play continue:
Now, moving for a New Creation - Sustainable, Eco-Friendly, Free Progress community. No more isolated school, away from real life rather Integrally connected community learning space, full of life. Really Learning in school of universal life.
Not merely a name Polymath, but striving to lead another attempt to be a polymath. Working in many field (growing foods to facilitating learning, communication to cooking) but living a life.
A new circle will begin, may be a process of nullification, a balancing act to enjoy being at center. Observing passing waves, facing Ripples of past and current events. Creation of many small and big circle within and outside. bursting million bubbles.
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