Tuesday, December 22, 2020


बाल काल मे थे वो लंबे केश
पर अब चल रहा है अनेरा case
राम और मरा अब एक हो गए हे
शिव और कृष्ण दो नही रहे।

दोनो को साथ साथ याद करता हूं।

एक मेरा केशव है,
जो मुझे शैशव दे
मोरपंख से सजता,
हमे लावण्यता
प्रदान कर जाता।

दूजा मेरा व्योमकेश
मानो सारा भार
आसरा और वह धार
जो मिले सजाता
हमे लावण्यता
प्रदान कर जाता।

मेरे पास ना तो जटा ना मोरपंख
बस जीवित अजीवित के संग
परिभाषा मे रह, जीवन-मरण के संग
रोज अपने केश सजाते
सँवारते अपने आपको पाता हूं।

वैभव, 22-12-2020

And one more poem. Double , bonus poem.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Walk into

 Wearing A Loving Kindness

Accepting the world as it is

Long hours I wait to behold my

King, His return on the earth

Inception of new beautiful life

Now, awake day & night

Touch of his, make all possible & perfect

O King of Heart, Return to thy cave.



Sunday, December 20, 2020

कथक - कथनी और करनी

 कथक - कथनी और करनी 

Audio file - link

(First one and half Minute volume is bit low. Use headphone or higher the volume.)

It is been more than 6 months I am learning Kathak.

It enriches me day in and out. even though, I am not a good practitioner in terms of consistency. But I wish I can practice, do riyaaz consistently.

Kathak for me is all about telling the story, weaving your every act in the inner poise.

In the audio file ( link above), I have recorded those feelings, thoughts and much more about kathak.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

જિંદગી puzzle કે ગઝલ?

જિંદગી તું puzzle છે કે ગઝલ?
તને સમજવી કઠણ કે સરલ?

ટુકડા માં હોવ કે આખી, 
તું તો રહે છે જિંદગી જ સાચી.
તને સાચવવી કેમ કરી,
એક ગાયબ ને કેટલું ઘાયલ!

જિંદગી તું puzzle છે કે ગઝલ?
તને સમજવી કઠણ કે સરલ?

ગઝલ જેમ વહેતી
Puzzle જેમ રહેતી
તારી મોજ અનેરી
હર શામ સજતી

જિંદગી તું puzzle છે કે ગઝલ?
તને સમજવી કઠણ કે સરલ?


Friday, December 18, 2020

give and take

Our view of life has become and becoming more & more transactional. We take birth, or we say who gave us birth and when we die we say someone took the life. A question to reflect what did we give at death? 

But this taking and giving, need and fulfilling the need, is it the only thing! In between life & death and death & life we only continue give and take, take and give? And this is what we train our next generations too.

We are mistaken; life is not about giving and taking. It is all about flowing. We live in a huge field of consciousness, constantly in a flux. With different layers, domains and currents we are moved all around. Where is the giving and taking in the world of flux. All is perspective, seen from one side. 

Not only cross to the other side. Can you be in the center and embrace both the side. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

today's status 16th December morning

Everything will be fine.
If you feel like,
to cry 
Go ahead and take some pearls out
Flying thoughts have kept on fry
Mind jostle 
Works hustle
Heart bustle
Waiting for my lord
To fix the chain
Yay, you got to admit
It's a rain of grace
Freedom's chain to be fixed
Which enables the move.
One that does not binds and stop.
But one who joins 
Lower with the Higher
Front with the back
Seated in present
Carrying past and gift of future
Life cycle moves on.

O my dear
Take out the cry
Everything will be fine.
One who is your foe is also your friend.
In all this jostle hustle and bustle,
I aspire they bow to eternal friend
Residing in me and in all and in everything
Seen and unseen, parampriya
Did my tear reached to your ear?

I want to break open
But break of life's cycle 
Are not in my hand
It is yours and forever will be
Movement goes on and 
Position is also fixed
On dusty bumpy road
Enjoy the ride.
For every stride
Set your standards high
Invisible chain has choked
The voice on both the side.
Afraid of voicing out
And danger you see.
Yet , speak up
Let whatever needs to come up 
Flow and cry out
And not inside.
How long you will play
Game in your head alone
Let pour it out
And see where pawn, minister and queen have taken a position or possession

Do be possessed by your own 
Passion and preferences.
Offer it in fire and may cry come out.
Offer it in fire and may pure washes away.
Offer it in fire, burning in the cave of the heart.
Seat near and feel relax. Remove the coldness 
And not get heat up.
In the balance , thy second nature
Grand things are reached.
This are the way to balance the life cycle
And move on.

You might not feel happy and ask everything 
Right now.
But there are things to arrange and pack.
So you can be surprised at any time
And joy of unpacking bewilders you many time.
Hold the patience and persevere
Consistency is not there 
Your flip flop logic will say
Give another reason and prove the fallacy
Bold you need to be
Told once upon a time
And do not repeat
Flip flop are for those who are flat and
Like to float
We are the diver and diverse,
Lover and beloved, one at same time.
Perplexed , by the parallel sight
At an angle which can be called right
You will find left and right.
But what i am cutting
From where i am crying
Is at the center.
So cycle of life can love on.
Move on. Love on. O. O .o 
Move on. Love on. O.o.
Move on. Love on. O. O .o
In you come and out you go. O. O. O
When did I notice that you visit 
Neigh, you forever there. 
In you are and out you are
Win you are and loss you are
Speech you are and long silence you are
Action you are and inaction you are
Life you are and death you are
O. O. O.o

Still all this will remain in backyard
After taking a step 
Don't take out your stick of yard.
Just go on singing
Just move on 
Dance on the eternal tune
Whatever is fume, 
Convert that into a bloom
Rhyme or not
Just move on, love on...

It seems mind can go on and on
Make the words sounds so dumb
Give rest to your thumb.

Saturday, December 05, 2020

I am Freedom

Universe arranges event one after the other
Even if it seems imperfect to human eyes
They carry perfection at its best.
Once you taste 
Leave the rest, and
You want to arrest.
That's the mistake 
My dear friend.
Just let it flow
It keep coming back again & again.
There is nothing to gain,
Loss is temporary
And so does riches, a grain
In front of the universe eyes.

I don't know from where, this words come?
It just that I keep mind open and let the grace flow
Let love beat
Let power bleed
Let light sweat
And just relax
In such moment
Of interconnectedness
You see and feel
And in next , if you try
To define or express
It will defy you.
How can you have something
When you are that.

In those moments of binding and abiding
Experience visits and leaves insight behind.
To put in lines , I make an attempt
Here I share two ways lines unite
A poem and a mandala.

Pass - Pass Game of Life

We all have played that game - pass the parcel. Where music is played in background, parcel (pillow or ball or such object) is passed in the...