Saturday, August 28, 2021

mind I offer and surrender

It was a long day, the big day.
Found him, lost him, been with him, played with him and in his ways, he always beats and wins. And even after loosing you feel to rejoice with his wins.
Sincere efforts and multiple mistakes, he keeps on correcting.

So far and till today in many parts , I had kept reins with my mind. In a hope with this mind can control this body and life. Later I realized mind itself needs to be under control and kept silence to obey & dance on his tune, reflect his beauty and enjoy the delight. I gave up my mind, some time slowly, sometime consciously and many time he snatched it away , while other I forgot and tried to clench & took from him back. I wish he wins.

Not only I give my mind, but my heart, my life, everything... As all is his after all. Didn't we knew this?


आनीता नटवन्मया तव पुरः श्रीकृष्ण याः भूमिकाः ।
व्योमाकाशखखांबराब्धि वसुवत् त्वत्प्रीतयेद्यावधि ॥
प्रीतस्त्वं यदि चेन्निरीक्ष्य भगवन् मत्प्रार्थितं देहि मे।
नोचेन्मानय मानयेति च पुनर्मामीदृशीर्भूमिकाः॥१॥

हे श्रीकृष्ण,तुम्हें प्रसन्न करने के लिए भट की तरह मैंने अब तक चौरासी लाख भिन्न-भिन्न स्वरूप तुम्हारे सामने उपस्थित किए । अब नानाविध अभिनयों को देख कर यदि आप प्रसन्न हों,तो जो माँगूँ,दे डालिए । यदि नहीं,तो कहदो कि फिर कभी ऐसे अभिनय मत करो।

रत्नाकरोस्ति सदनं गृहिणी च पद्मा ।
किं देयमस्ति भवते जगदीश्वराय ॥
राधागृहीत मनसे मनसे च तुभ्यम् ।
दत्तं मया निज मनस्तदिदं गृहाण ॥२॥

हे जगदीश्वर, रत्नाकर सरीखे अक्षय रत्न कोष में आपका स्थान है और लक्ष्मी आपकी गृहिणी है । तो फिर बताइए कि आपके लिए अब क्या वस्तु देने योग्य रह गई। हाँ,आपका मन आपके पास नहीं है -- अर्थात् राधिकाजी ने आपके मन को चुरा लिया है इस प्रकार आप आजकल- मन-विहीन हो गए हैं -- वही मैं आपको देता हूँ। इसे स्वीकार करिए।

source :

#srikrishna #radha #janmashtami2021 #offering #life #triunepath 

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