Monday, January 11, 2021

Birth and Death

During my yoga teacher training course, Hansa Ma gave us beautiful definition of life. 
That life, which we consider happens between birth and death. In simple and short story, she said life is what happens between 'B' and 'D'. Life is something which happens between birth and death. that is generally what we know. But we forget there is a 'C' in between. C for Choices. This choices is what makes life. 

The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry says

Life is a perpetual choice between truth and falsehood, light and darkness, progress and regression, the ascent towards the heights or a fall into the abyss. It is for each one to choose freely.

29 February 1952

On day of my birth, I have chosen and consecrate all to Parampriya. 

The 35th year of this physical existence and year 2021, I wish to work upon few things and as a practice have taken few steps. Sharing those steps below.

  1. Goal and area of work - practice & development for the year can be summed up in 5 C's *
    • Capacity (mainly at physical level but not limited there.)
    • Collaboration 
    • Creation
    • Concentration, and
    • Consecrate (अर्पण किया हुआ) 
  2.  In process I have made a list of 108 things vaibhav would be creating in the year 2021. {even after writing 108, it seems list can go beyond 108.} To fulfill all the need of the creation, there require devotion of time and energy to lot of learning & mastering few art as well as create.
  3. To fulfill above goal, I have taken a break from almost all forms of Social Media (Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook). I wish, I could have taken some more other account deletion too but have kept them open. They are LinkedIn and Telegram. Gmail is unattached yet due to technical complications. 
  4. Above social media withdrawal is also part of practice to observe some of the internal working, of whose I have got addicted to. Once 108 are done, I would be back, and in between just to test my own mental & emotional balance and time management, might appear for few days/week. but as of now, and at least for next few weeks, I am away. 
  5. There are other choices which are also taking place, but its better to do them rather speak beforehand. 
  6. Already collaborating with few people to create courses, material, program. If you are interested to collaborate in learning journey or want to learn along with me - drop an email on I will share the list and we can have conversation on how, what to build up. 
Yesterday night, I went through all melodrama of neurons and finally plunge into the virtual death for new creation. This whole experience is just amazing and every passing moment, I can see how much mind is accustom to living and dearly clings to it. How Intellect looses the power and serves the senses, making us do things which we want and we do not want.

For some of you this might look shocking, strange or silly. May that be so. 

Hope to see you here and few places more real. and May be on virtual world after gap of time.

* C - of choices and other C's is something I love. C of Carbon is second largest constituents of the body and what is left on earth after we pass away. One of the program I ran last year CiC, in which 14 people got chance to interact & learn is wholly based upon the choices and consciousness. This year, I wish to design it in collaboration with participant & make it more experiential with real projects.



Remya VR said...

All the best
This decision is an inspiration for me too

Take care

Keep in touch

Kanika Vasudev said...

All is divine
Look fwd to your return
sweet sacred brother.
This too is auspicious.

Love & Grace.

Pass - Pass Game of Life

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