Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Here Rama Here Krishna

Here Ram Here Krishna

Hare Ram Hare Krishna . a usual chant we have heard. May be infinite times, in many kirtans and bhajan, after almost every aarti. It sets one on high ecstatic level. In this post, I am sharing something intimate, which is brewing since yesterday. and It has nothing to do with the chant but exactly what has written as a heading - 'Here Ram Here Krishna'. 

There is no typing or spelling mistake. Before You continue reading, certain stuff will sound like judgements and questioning some of the core stuff. May be that remain as it comes. So do not get shocked and if you have open mind, open mind and open will - than only continue reading.

Just Imagine,
Ram and Krishna are going to meet.
A natural question,
where will they meet?
In their palace of Ayodhya or Dwarka,
somewhere on the banks of river or in deep forest,
may be hiking together in himalayas or
seated in some Rishi's Aashram. 
There is very low probability that they will meet
on the battle field, whether in same side or opposite
May be they might meet at home of their common friend or relative
or place of bhakta, who loves them both.

Next question is, what they will talk?
Are you imagining and thinking along the line.
I am bit afraid and have doubt whether they will
have some common ground to talk
whole of their life seems so contradictory
obedience and rebel
There nature is different but essentially same.

why I am imagining all
as I am in attempt to resolve few conflict
a contradiction, which i attribute and relate with them.
Here & Now, both are present.
Ram and Krishna has influenced and shaped the life.
Here & Now, in my mind & heart - they are together.
There are tendency of mind, which follows the suits of Lord Ram
and there are tendency of mind, which follows the suits of Lord Krishna
and both of them are being Lord,
life decision have been on flip-flop
from quite a lot of time
a deeper clarity has been build
thanks to the Lord alone.

Now mind wonders and ask - why to follow their suits?
ask questions not as a doubt but more as a curiosity,
to seek the light.
In kaliyuga, what principles of treta and dwapara still applies. 
Play the game and remain untouched.
Play the game with own high rules of conduct.
Both seems so impossible!
Sometime looks contrary and sometime corollary.
Here Ram and Here Krishna
both are with me, Here & Now.
Hearing, my dilemma O Lord come down.
make me feel home, by making me own.
Here Ram,Here Krishna
Hear Ram, Hear Krishna
Hare Ram, Hare Krishna 
Here Ram,Here Krishna
Hear Ram, Hear Krishna
Hare Ram, Hare Krishna 
Whom do I follow?
or they have still another form to take
share more insight for kaliyuga.
I surrender O lord
like Hanuma.
May you dwell in mind & heart.
Here Ram,Here Krishna
Hear Ram, Hear Krishna
Hare Ram, Hare Krishna 
come down
let wisdom dawn
till process is own
and trouble gone.

Here Ram,Here Krishna
Hear Ram, Hear Krishna
Hare Ram, Hare Krishna 

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