Wednesday, May 20, 2020

last few days

Last few days
putting up a veil,
All done went in vain
looking for a rays;
like playing with oneself
hide & seek, a play.

Order Order Order
a hush, sudden & strong
silence were summoned
and felt till the core.

"Organize your thought
and your life.
Bring in some order
around me." Judge Demands
" Put things at its right place,
do not forget and mix up case
take some rest
dust off the past
open the window
let future come in
that's the order!"

Fined with present
task to be done in present
while mind arrested in past,
caught in dealing with 
where to keep future bar.
cases is not strange,
yet it is.
where judge is seated within and
lawyer is one for 
defense and prosecution.
creates a lot of
melodrama, Stop!

Be simple and sincere
let some sun-shine fall
No need to put a bar
it's time to raise your bar.
order is order
goes on recorder
who write a record?
not a question to ask?
find an accord in seemingly discord.

Last few days
I was looking for rays
now I have found
an order hounds
waste no time,to fool around
its not cool
to take up another round,
go through all those sounds
break the chain which is bound.

Last few days...

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