Disclaimer: First of all I ask for forgiveness to all teachers, students, animal and mother. except the first point on which I wanted to write about, since long. but couldn't get that flow nor a more substantial material. It's written in some negative, grey taste. What I am going to put might not suits to many persons taste. But this is what i am feeling and so sharing. Not with the intention of hurting. Actually, i want to hurt and nudge those crystalline part - so we wake up and do something. Think about what actually we are doing.
1 - From very beginning we are trained to be a copy cat.
Many people can even tell you answers along with their questions, and in which previous examination it came. In every class (including mathematics and science - where problem solving, research and experiments should preside) we are taught how to answer exactly in same words. even words here there, means loss of those bones. bones which are thrown in front of us to do the work.
As a simple animal, I really get confuse. I like those bones.. and in exams I tried to use the same method of copy. previously I copied from the black/white/green board, then from textbook, then someones voice. In exams I am expected to copy from my memory, without adding or removing anything. [! Because teacher are so poor]
But, here is the twist. But if I now copy during exams from someone else text, some voice - I am termed as a cheater. I did something wrong. I am which animal. keep guessing. Poor animals.
Then why the hell you are teaching to copy from the board. every where you copy, copy and copy. and where , when you really need it. sorry! you can not copy.
Story doesn't end here, we are so bonded by this chain, rest of our life. We just copy, hardly questions. questions only things which permits and keep us in our self safe zone.
I guess, this is good training to be a ________ like the dog. so you keep on copy only, do some innovation in finding your bones or holding them. but essentially remain in the same loop. Can't do something different. they have gauze the potential of mind and want to restrict to level of chimpanzee only.
2 - I feel we are been trained to be chameleon. for our own survival. it goes against? all this learning are so subtle, few catches and plays the game so well.. really! yes, at least as per the worldly, human mind ways well life. In reality, is in question mark. like those sheep and donkey who wears skin of lion. because lion is held very high. success is the thing. whatever you do, be even like those fox and wolf and crocodile or whatever image, SUCCESS. we are schooled to be all this animal. let's invoke the animal within but the one which suits us. The one which can work and look good in garden but not the animal you show in forest.
3 - We are forcefully and wrongly feed with darwin's theory on evolution. So we behave more like an animal to survive in this mad concrete and all sorts of jungle.
4 - We are schooled and trained like we are animal in schools. Just for performance, rest we are back in our cage. That's how we are cultured.
5 - Just imagine, if snake were trained to crawl in straight line only.
6- How can you forget parrots and cook.. Repeating same thing again and again. Yes, it's good. one should remember and learn.. But Hey! even parrots in jungle or city, doesn't do that. It's us.
7 - Is there any other animal left. we can even go to small insects and creature like ant too. Work, work hard, day & night, in discipline, in line. gather, gather as much as you can. I don't know, I haven't studied ant (she doesn't allow to observe and visit her house!) when they eat. what all sorts of collection we do. Isn't we have created such system. worker, ministers and queen. Our schools very well helps in that process.
8 - in other animal.. we are monkey only. so no point taking them again. they are already been treated a lot. And you see them treating back to us at few places.
9 - They tell us to be like tortoise sometime, but moment you are slow. they tell you be like a hare. But no one comes and tell Be the way you are.
10 - Even we are schooled to be a social animal. expectation is to be a human. How is that possible? I am wondering which animal you can make seat for long hours and feed them all sorts of information.