Wednesday, October 31, 2018

scared to sacred

Image result for scared to sacred

I am scared, I am afraid.
I am sacred, yet unrealized, un-manifested.
That's the why, I am scared & I am afraid.

Will things will repeat, as it had happen?
How long this past will last?
awaiting the future, thy glory and thy grace
I am sacred, so pure & delight.
still why, its so afraid to take up a flight?
move into unknown, move in & out.
Where is that? what we call, Love.

Love isn't it whole of existence.
There is a divide, where will you show unite?
Words are flowing and world is floating
some sense of directions
some menace of thoughts & emotions.
Come, O Lord to help me out.
Calling, Calling waiting & waiting.
Let love grow, patience & persevere.
O Lord come down! make me thine.

- Vaibhav

Image result for scared to sacred

Its movie time again - 7:00pm, 28-10-2018, found this on internet
scared sacred (trailer)- a beautiful documentary.

for full documentary - NFB - Scared Sacred

When I truly understand that, this I is not a stand alone entity. 
Rather, this I which is called Me, is nothing but a We. 
True sacredness, harmony will emerge.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I am a season

I am a season,
I come back again & again.
never tired, never exhausted
never quenched, till ends are met.
Image result for season

I am a season,
I come back again & again
wear wonder, found on a yonder
I am a season.
I am never the same,
yet remain forever alike.

- vaibhav

Monday, October 29, 2018

આ બધા વિચારો,
સ્પષ્ટ દેખાતા, અસ્પષ્ટ સમજાતા.
આ બધા વિચારો,
પોતાનાં  પારકાના,
ગમતા - અણગમતા
સાથી - વિરોધી.
આ બધા વિચારો.

આ વિચારો મને મારા લાગે છે.
આતો મનના મને ચારા લાગે છે.

બધાજતો ચોરીના છે,
ની થોડા ઉધારીના.

કઈ મૂલ્યવાન પોતીકા
જડ્યા જડે કેની?
આ વિચારો.

અસ્તવ્યસ્ત, ખુદમાંજ મસ્ત
કોઈ સશક્ત દોરવી જનારા
કોઈ અશ્ક્ત ડુબાવી જનારા
કોઈ દુભવી, પરખાવી જનારા
તે કંઈ વિશેષ....
આ બધા વિચારો...


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Schooling to be animal, Human animal

Disclaimer: First of all I ask for forgiveness to all teachers, students, animal and mother. except the first point on which I wanted to write about, since long. but couldn't get that flow nor a more substantial material. It's written in some negative, grey taste. What I am going to put might not suits to many persons taste. But this is what i am feeling and so sharing. Not with the intention of hurting. Actually, i want to hurt and nudge those crystalline part - so we wake up and do something. Think about what actually we are doing.

1 - From very beginning we are trained to be a copy cat.
Many people can even tell you answers along with their questions, and in which previous examination it came. In every class (including mathematics and science - where problem solving, research and experiments should preside) we are taught how to answer exactly in same words. even words here there, means loss of those bones. bones which are thrown in front of us to do the work.
As a simple animal, I really get confuse. I like those bones.. and in exams I tried to use the same method of copy. previously I copied from the black/white/green board, then from textbook, then someones voice. In exams I am expected to copy from my memory, without adding or removing anything. [! Because teacher are so poor]
But, here is the twist. But if I now copy during exams from someone else text, some voice - I am termed as a cheater. I did something wrong. I am which animal. keep guessing. Poor animals.
Then why the hell you are teaching to copy from the board. every where you copy, copy and copy. and where , when you really need it. sorry! you can not copy.
Story doesn't end here, we are so bonded by this chain, rest of our life. We just copy, hardly questions. questions only things which permits and keep us in our self safe zone. 

I  guess, this is good training to be a ________ like the dog. so you keep on copy only, do some innovation in finding your bones or holding them. but essentially remain in the same loop. Can't do something different. they have gauze the potential of mind and want to restrict to level of chimpanzee only.

2 - I feel we are been trained to be chameleon. for our own survival. it goes against? all this learning are so subtle, few catches and plays the game so well.. really! yes, at least as per the worldly, human mind ways well life. In reality, is in question mark. like those sheep and donkey who wears skin of lion. because lion is held very high. success is the thing. whatever you do, be even like those fox and wolf and crocodile or whatever image, SUCCESS. we are schooled to be all this animal. let's invoke the animal within but the one which suits us. The one which can work and look good in garden but not the animal you show in forest.

3 - We are forcefully and wrongly feed with darwin's theory on evolution. So we behave more like an animal to survive in this mad concrete and all sorts of jungle.

4 - We are schooled and trained like we are animal in schools. Just for performance, rest we are back in our cage. That's how we are cultured.

5 - Just imagine, if snake were trained to crawl in straight line only.
6- How can you forget parrots and cook.. Repeating same thing again and again. Yes, it's good. one should remember and learn.. But Hey! even parrots in jungle or city, doesn't do that. It's us.
7 - Is there any other animal left. we can even go to small insects and creature like ant too. Work, work hard, day & night, in discipline, in line. gather, gather as much as you can. I don't know, I haven't studied ant (she doesn't allow to observe and visit her house!) when they eat. what all sorts of collection we do. Isn't we have created such system. worker, ministers and queen. Our schools very well helps in that process.
8 - in other animal.. we are monkey only. so no point taking them again. they are already been treated a lot. And you see them treating back to us at few places.
9 - They tell us to be like tortoise sometime, but moment you are slow. they tell you be like a hare. But no one comes and tell Be the way you are.
10 - Even we are schooled to be a social animal. expectation is to be a human. How is that possible? I am wondering which animal you can make seat for long hours and feed them all sorts of information. 

Image result for elephant+ bound + chain + story

Saturday, October 27, 2018

can you play, a safe game?

Mega game, called life
have you seen it? 
have you lived it? 
have you played it?
Ohh, wait... wait...

let me first find out
who I am? in this
Mega game called life.
I am a player or creator or spectator?
I am an umpire or groundsman or commentator?
Where i see myself?
all, I assume,
shall we resume?



Pause! can this be applied to
Mega game called life.
Just go on, or gone!
Really, not sure! 
are there only to options
go on or gone?
It seems so, but... but..

lets probe from somewhere else,
On what ground this game being played?
Is it a space or something else?
game so inclusive, can't see
on so many different grounds,
is it just one game with one innings or many
is it just one game or many games within a games
is it just one game at many grounds, 
where shall i found?
i said,
lets probe from somewhere else,
you always hit a wall
why you always search a fault?
every time you fall.
To make a wells,
you need to dig up well.

Fine, fine, shall we continue to play?
Where to begin but...
I don't see any start or end of it?
Ohh, Isn't you have end in your mind?
What are you saying? 
shall we not play with words and mind!
observe, isn't you always want to win.
a clear end in your mind.
which you always want to find.
whether you make sin, 
or shine.
it's hard to take rest
but one feel to be relax.
flex your arm
not always to follow
what you love
but just to do.

Just go on,
following the laws and rule,
following the foot steps
all the others do
you coward!
'cause your arm can be
flexed by others too.
so you flex your arm
play the game
try to win the race
kill the one
just become rest of one.
never rest
in fear of arrest
or is it other way round
arrested in rules of game
never you rest.
you change the rule,
do you even know the rule?
you change the rule, 
comfort and go on win.
relax, what's lacking in you?
fake and make believe
all goes on, in
Mega game called life.

is I am writing and
you are reading
to find what this game is all about?
to find some solutions of trivial problem of
Mega game called life.

I feel, let's get back to work,
just observe with openness 
ask, aspire to receive.
But you want 
you want everything predictable
you want to play safe
that's the reason you always get caught
Goal! never made, and wicket always fall.

Do you really like predictable games?
If answer is in big No.
how you enjoy and look always 
for and from predictable answers
predictable sources
dictator of its own kind.
if you can't find
go to those story teller
predictions! Predictions!
Pre and post
what you do all the time

Let game go on
anyways, gone!


How this piece came up?
So, around noon time came across a status on FB.
Where one of the thought which I used to share and tell a lot were written and explain in more rightful words. 'Everyone is a philosopher.'
Search began to find the article, around that. first i had a felling that i had wrote around it and posted here on blog. after few failures and reconfirming, I haven't. I looked up into old desktop. I found the file, but only with title and few link.
that's where I found another file and something more interesting came up. presenting only last line of it.

...But you see, we don't want to invite life, we want to play a safe game; and those who play a safe game die very safely. 

This words of J. Krishnamurti  resonated so well, at the current state of being. specially, when you are unemployed or self occupied in work. trying to find out how to live a life. 

So, words and images floated around. As usual, i tried to break the words to find the meaning. 
Like many other time, letters were separated. playing crossword. G - A - M - E... little rearrangement and it becomes M-E-G-A.
Mega game called life.
and rest kept on flowing, some in making.

As i wrote down this prose, i again kept on asking google for its meaning. of different words.

and found a phrase... so here it goes.

Mega game called life,
hiding a gem called life.

so how this game of hide & seek going?

isn't this a safe game, 
we want to play.
we want to hide all that's ours and 
still keep on seeking, what's all out there.
what you seek, keeps on hiding from you. 
and you on hunt, 
hiding few things more and 
seeking few things less.
In the movement of moments
let change be new rule.
discover all hidden and show them out
what you seek, any way you going to get.



again found a beautiful song, depicting the words in more musical and lyrical form.
game called life

Friday, October 26, 2018

आधा अधूरा....

आधा अधूरा जिया हूं।
धीरे धीरे मर रहा हूं,
अधरों पे तेरा नाम, ओ राधे।

धीरे धीरे मर रहा हूं,
इस आश में,
तू आके मुझे घेरे
ना जाने दे कहीं
अपने दिल मे रखले।

अब चाँद नहीं भाता,
नाही उतना लुभाता।
पूर्णिमा के रात,
अपना अधूरापन
यह पागलपन
इन बंध दीवारों के संग बांटता।

अधूरा अधूरा जी रहा
किन्ही टुकड़ो में बटा
ना था तुझे पता?

नहीं जीना ऐसे आधा आधा
हाथ थाम लेना
हृदय थम जाये इससे पहले।
महल नही, तेरी मौजूदगी चाहिए
अब रुक मत जाना,
पहेलियां, हवेलियों के चक्कर में।
आधा आधा बन बहुत घूम लिया तु,
वन जाने से पहले,
वान उतर जाने से पहले
तू आजा ना
अधरोपे अधर लगाके नाम पूरा कर जाना।

आधा आधा कब तक जियूँ?
याद कर कर, जिंदा कब तक राखु?
धाम तेरा टूटा जरूर है,
पूरा टूट जाये, प्राण छूट जाए,
वो आखरी घड़ी मत आना।
आना है तो अब आ,
थोड़ा सा शैशव, थोड़ा सा यौवन
तुझ पर में दे दु।

आधा आधा जी रहा
राह तेरी देख रहा।
बाद नही आज
बाह पकड़ गिरिराज
कही में और नीचे ना घिर जाऊ,
यह आधा अंत
नहीं चाहिए अब कोई संत
जब अधूरा बन जिया सिर्फ तेरे लिये ओ अनंत।

आधा अधूरा....
अधूरे सब
अधर धर....
शरण तेरी चरण
करण धर

Thursday, October 25, 2018

I am missing something, right?

looking for a light....
Its a lovely night
but I am missing something, right?
I still don't have that might
to hold you tight
O, my Light!

Still trying to sight
this seems an endless fight
and I don't like rite
to take a flight
and be in illusion to rewrite.

now I will face you in daylight
to get some delight
yet, all this while
like a lonely kite
I am missing something, right???


Light is around me
Light is within me
I can feel it sometime
whenever you came and kissed
whenever I bowed down in adoration.
O Light!
why you are missed so much
we are mixed in so much
impure  obscure
this space and time,
are they passing by
or we are passer by 
to Light, eternal.

Nothing makes sense
in dark dreadful paint
words all around
like a wall all around
world seen in wall mirror.
O Light! 
can you break
this heavy lid of ignorance
living in and on inertial
raging out to show
dies down not slow
in a flash
you appear, O Light
crossing mesh
glancing mesh
O Light.
So I don't
So I do, and just be

I am missing something, right?


Picture credit:
A very simple article, a blog from hawai`i 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

I found a wonderful SEED

I found a wonderful seed.
It's dark,
It's heavy,
But it's worth;
To have it.

I found a wonderful seed.
Some kept it open,
Some hides within,
Few really digs and give a space;
A rightful place.

Some just shows
Feel happy about
Some just sows
Feel happy about

It's a pain
Which give you grain
I mean, you gain.

It's not easy to keep
This wonderful seed within you
To sprout and take root within
But soon it disappears,
Gods only know
Whether it dissolves or what
Science says, transforms.

Do you want to know,
What's the name of my
Wonderful seed

It's call question.

Yes you read it right
Cause I wrote it Question.

You keep within
Mind open to light
Emotion moist
Physical supple
A fertile ground
To prosper.

Seeds transforms into root, tree and flower and fruits.
Questions transforms into answers, causes and effects.

I found a wonderful seed.

learning by practice, again and again

[Thoughts as they came. No, place to bring coherence but see the pattern.]

It was three years back in October, 2015, I launched a project by name 'Jiyomaitry'.
There were many ideas, mere ideas, many wishful thinking and working alone.
Hosting and launching new workshops. All a flop show!
Working alone and trying to connect with all. Few attempt which never took place. All efforts, unknown greetings to unknown people. Resulting into nothing.

after month and half of just working... I was fad up. I could no longer stand and hear words of failure. I can not accept those failure. At same time, I can not share how it looks and assure others that this is just a phase.
December 2015, gave another dimensions. Travel, connect with people.
Connection again became a key word.

Now, after 3 years.
Some connection are made. deeper connection and relation of friendship with some beautiful people.
Virtual as well as physical. Now they have become a support system.

Three year back, I only use to work and suffocate within after every attempt.
In first session, only one person came. Who were there to support me, my gurubhai.
In second one, I was all alone. Still, I enjoyed being in nature. Juggling and doing tai-chi, other exercises as I had planned. All by myself. Girgaun Chowpatty. Observing Sun rise from the Mumbai beach. Something I never thought of. How is it possible?, I came in connection with real geography, real directions.

Connecting with your roots, soothes you.

Day before yesterday, Thanks to few friends at all level.
A first circle on parenting happened.
I saw a stark difference in me and around me.
I saw how she arranges circumstances for you. How she prepares you and makes you more solid. Condition, you have a faith and patience, a courage to walk again on the path.

I feel grateful to Her.
Heart is fulled, from nothing to everything. I don't know, the reason. a feeling of emptiness, as heavy as mountain. A pang of separation and beyond. Gratitude and void. Something is awaiting to born, to be made.

At thy lotus feet, O, Divine Mother.
Let Thy will be done.

Friday, October 19, 2018

एक सवाल

एक सवाल सामने खड़ा।
पर्बत या पेड़।
एक सवाल सामने खड़ा पर्बत बन।
क्या आँसुओकी धारा बही?
शिखरों को सर करना
हिम्मत चाहिये,
सवाल को सर पर रखना।
तुम, बस प्रतिकमा करते रहो,
कभी ना कभी कृपा बरसेंगी।
कभी धारा बहती मिली
तो तुम भी बह जाना।
तुम एक थोड़ी हो,
तुम तो हमेशा अनेको के साथ जुड़े हो।
तुम्हारे पास एक सवाल थोड़ी है,
जिंदगी आये दिन तुम्हारे सामने
खड़े करती है सवाल।
पर तुम वो एक सवाल जो पर्बत बन खड़ा उसे नही,
वह सैकड़ो सवाल को सर करते रहना।
एक सवाल सामने खड़ा पेड़ बन
कौन कौन से फल फूल देगा वोह?
कब देगा?
किसको देगा?
वो तो चुपकीदी साधे बैठा है।
तुम एक सवाल से एक जवाब चाहते हो।
सारा जीवन सुलझना चाहते हो।
कभी टहनी, कभी मूल, कभी शाख या छाव या थड।
हर समय अलग , अनेकों उत्तर
अपने मन से उपजते, उसके मौन को समझते।
पर्बत या पेड़,
दोनो मौन है।
अड़िग है। अचल, स्थिर
एक झुकता , दूसरा झुकाता।
सवाल, झरनों सा घूमता भरमाता।
सवाल, टहनियों में बुनता पहेलियां।
एक नही अनेक।
पेड़ या पर्बत,
क्या वह अंतराय है?
या कोई अंत या ?
किस पर निर्भर है, वो तो निर्भय खड़ा,
तुझे पुकारता वो एक सवाल।
दिखता कितना बड़ा!
चल चले थोड़ा उस पर चढ़े
वही से दुनिया को देखे।

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Flow to Glow

Time is flowing...
Whoever flows, Glow
Who do not
Feels it low.
This is a law.
But do not
Seat and judge
Or make another fuss.
Simply you flow,
You glow.
Do not worry,
There is no hurry.
Hari is waiting
From a long time.
Patience he has a lot.
Perseverance we need to show,
But judge not
Based on your show.
Don't do for a show,
Just flow!
Lot many field to cover,
Lot to plow.
Plant a seed,
Forget the deed,
And you flow.
Leaving glow
For others.
You have read enough
Now, act and show.
Don't ask how to me.
Who am I to tell.
Just flow, go and do
Questions will emerge
And so does the answer
Remain in flow
Mellow your I
Do good to
Fellow around you.
Do good to you
, Be in a flow.
In response to ongoing WA conversation with SOUL.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

OFF : ON : Faith

Obstacle Future Fear
makes OFF
OFF Faith.

Open in Now
Keeps it ON
ON Faith.

Bringing all the presents
out of infinite possibilities
Faith ON

Now be Open
to Receive it
NO will be an obstacle
and you know
OFF Faith.

Faith is a big word, let's use little down word 'TRUST'

Obstacle Future Fear
makes OFF

Open in Now
Keeps it ON

Bringing all the presents
out of infinite possibilities

Now be Open
to Receive it
NO will be an obstacle
and you know


OFF : ON  - Faith
What is that you are opposing?
Who is opposing? (which part of I)
Are you going too much in future and it's fear shakes you up?

or You are open and welcoming whatever present Now has to offer?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Learning from the Ant


Learning from the Ant

One Sunday morning, a wealthy man sat in his balcony enjoying sunshine and his coffee, when a little ant caught his eye which was going from one side to the other side of the balcony carrying a big leaf several times more than its size. The man watched it for more than an hour. He saw that the ant faced many impediments during its journey, paused, took a diversion and then continued towards its destination.

At one point the tiny creature came across a crack in the floor. It paused for a little while, analysed and then laid the huge leaf over the crack, walked over the leaf, picked the leaf on the other side then continued its journey.

The man was captivated by the cleverness of the ant, one of God's tiniest creatures. The incident left the man in awe and forced him to contemplate over the miracle of Creation. It showed the greatness of the Creator. In front of his eyes there was this tiny creature of God, lacking in size yet equipped with a brain to analyse, contemplate, reason, explore, discover and overcome. Along with all these capabilities, the man also noticed that this tiny creature shared some human shortcomings.

The man saw about an hour later the creature had reached its destination - a tiny hole in the floor which was entrance to tis underground dwelling. And it was at this point that the ant's shortcoming that it shared with the man was revealed. How could the ant carry into the tiny hole the large leaf that it had managed to carefully bring to the destination? It simple couldn't!

So the tiny creature, after all the painstaking and hard work and exercising great skills, overcoming all the difficulties along the way, just left behind the large leaf and went home empty-handed.

The ant had not thought about the end before it began its challenging journey and in the end the large leaf was nothing more than a burden to it. The creature had no option, but to leave it behind to reach its destination. The man learned a great lesson that day.

Isn't that the truth about our lives?

We worry about our family, we worry about our job, we worry about how to earn more money, we worry about where we should live - 5 bedroom or 6 bedroom house, what kind of vehicle to buy - a Mercedes or BMW or a Porsche, what kind of dress to wear, all sorts of things, only to abandon all these things when we reach our destination - The Grave.

We don't realise in our life's journey that these are just burdens that we are carrying with utmost care and fear of losing them, only to find that at the end they are useless and we can't take them with us ....

PS: Thank you amritham vivekji, for your kind permission to reshare here.

Happy to help.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Faith on Zero, Faith ON

---- unedited version---
There appears nothing,
It seems empty,
you can not do it.
simply you feel,
like a zero.
sometime those zeroes
reflecting in others.
No warmth, No love.
No understanding, courage.
No goodness.
All seems zero
In you, In others
all around
Nothing else but nothing.

But it appears like that.
go beneath, go behind, go beyond
to that appearances.
In thae space.
In that peace,
You will meet nothingness.
which holds all
when two zero combines (joins),
a new power is born.
An Infinite.
That's were you need to
have a patience and a faith
Faith on zero.

Faith on zero
knowing that it is there.
what eyes can not see
ears can not hear
DO not believe
have a faith in you
when you see zero,
in you and around
try to look, find & be
with other half of duality
connect the two
feel the oneness
Faith on Zero.

Just like a
Day contains day & night,
0 has 0 & its 1 number too.
So, if you meet zero.
be assured that,
you will meet one too.
Faith on zero.

Van Niwas, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi Branch, himalayan center, Nainital

Many times in our life,  we find nothing. Nothing valuable, good in ourselves. Not able to trust on others. One can't see any good things in others. All around what we see is greed, selfishness, cunning, hatred, violence and so on... every positive things looks in them and around as ZERO. sometime may be in negative. let's keep negative to all those sins... zero.
Mind can not trust.
That's were faith needs to be turned ON.
Need to bring that faith on zero.
a believe in oneself. At the very beginning and at the end, you are that. That Infinite. That Zero. A Hero. Even in middle, we are That, sometime visible sometime not, sometime manifested and not.. all

On 26/09/2018 - It was a concrete message. Message came early morning meditation, near shrine of Sri Aurobindo. many more event unfolded and very similar messages came on the way.
Today, when this pieces are getting written lot more things comes up. sharing few parts from the note of my diary on same date.

....આજે પોતાના પર આત્મવિશ્વાસ રાખવા, શ્રદ્ધા રાખવા. સર્વમાં તુજને  જોવા અને તેમા વિશ્વાસ / શ્રદ્ધા રાખવાનો સંદેશ તે આપ્યો......
જ્યાં જ્યાં શૂન્ય દેખાય, ત્યાં ત્યાં કાર્ય થાય.
આજ તો શૂન્યતાં મા સર્જન છે.....
મનના મૂળિયા તારામાં અને કર્મના ફળ સર્વના, ઍવો વિશાળ વટવૃક્ષ બને ઍવા બિજના અંકુરણ, તેને સાચાવ...

Saturday, October 13, 2018

problem of convenience

આ સગવડો ને મોહ આનો
સગવડ સગવડ પોતાને માટે
સગવડ સગવડ પોતનાઓ માટે,
જો ને કરાવે શું તારી પાસે?
સગ-વગ સગ-વગ
સગે-વગે સગે-વગે
તને તારાથી જે દૂર લઈ જાતી..
જરા જો આ બુદ્ધિ
શાને, બડ્બડ બડ્બડ કરે,
આટલી બધી અગવડ
અરે આ અગવડ
તે સગવડતના નામે ઉભી કરી.
જરા થોભ અને જો,
તે કેવી ગડબડ કરી.

ડબ - ડબ તારા ડગ
તને ક્યા ખેંચી જાય..
ફરી સગવડ અગવડ ના ચક્ર

- vaibhav 25/09/2018

Image result for convenience
At very young age I started observing and feeling bad about how we, human. on name of our convenience mold and make each and everything. one of the very loosely used term i remember is 'સગવડીયો ધર્મ' convenient religion.
In our attempt to make everything convenient to our body, to our heart desire and imagination of mind. lot more and more conflicts we have created. see the inconvenience created from conveniences. see the amount of discomfort been raised for your convenience. Isn't this the root.
This movement is very very swift and you will be pulled towards it.
this cycle of convenience-discomfort/inconvenience will go on and on...

Image result for convenienceImage result for convenience

Pass - Pass Game of Life

We all have played that game - pass the parcel. Where music is played in background, parcel (pillow or ball or such object) is passed in the...