Monday, October 15, 2018

Faith on Zero, Faith ON

---- unedited version---
There appears nothing,
It seems empty,
you can not do it.
simply you feel,
like a zero.
sometime those zeroes
reflecting in others.
No warmth, No love.
No understanding, courage.
No goodness.
All seems zero
In you, In others
all around
Nothing else but nothing.

But it appears like that.
go beneath, go behind, go beyond
to that appearances.
In thae space.
In that peace,
You will meet nothingness.
which holds all
when two zero combines (joins),
a new power is born.
An Infinite.
That's were you need to
have a patience and a faith
Faith on zero.

Faith on zero
knowing that it is there.
what eyes can not see
ears can not hear
DO not believe
have a faith in you
when you see zero,
in you and around
try to look, find & be
with other half of duality
connect the two
feel the oneness
Faith on Zero.

Just like a
Day contains day & night,
0 has 0 & its 1 number too.
So, if you meet zero.
be assured that,
you will meet one too.
Faith on zero.

Van Niwas, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi Branch, himalayan center, Nainital

Many times in our life,  we find nothing. Nothing valuable, good in ourselves. Not able to trust on others. One can't see any good things in others. All around what we see is greed, selfishness, cunning, hatred, violence and so on... every positive things looks in them and around as ZERO. sometime may be in negative. let's keep negative to all those sins... zero.
Mind can not trust.
That's were faith needs to be turned ON.
Need to bring that faith on zero.
a believe in oneself. At the very beginning and at the end, you are that. That Infinite. That Zero. A Hero. Even in middle, we are That, sometime visible sometime not, sometime manifested and not.. all

On 26/09/2018 - It was a concrete message. Message came early morning meditation, near shrine of Sri Aurobindo. many more event unfolded and very similar messages came on the way.
Today, when this pieces are getting written lot more things comes up. sharing few parts from the note of my diary on same date.

....આજે પોતાના પર આત્મવિશ્વાસ રાખવા, શ્રદ્ધા રાખવા. સર્વમાં તુજને  જોવા અને તેમા વિશ્વાસ / શ્રદ્ધા રાખવાનો સંદેશ તે આપ્યો......
જ્યાં જ્યાં શૂન્ય દેખાય, ત્યાં ત્યાં કાર્ય થાય.
આજ તો શૂન્યતાં મા સર્જન છે.....
મનના મૂળિયા તારામાં અને કર્મના ફળ સર્વના, ઍવો વિશાળ વટવૃક્ષ બને ઍવા બિજના અંકુરણ, તેને સાચાવ...

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