Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What I listen is, what I want to listen.

Yesterday night, mind started dwelling on possible topic for writing short paragraph. As mind dwell on option, few others came to join party. Soon, clashes began and continuity broken. No topic went further than link up of more than three thoughts. Why? Other thoughts of topic didn’t allowed chain to continue and grow. Before links were made between thoughts on single topic, either a thought of new topic popped up or argument against that topic. Before situation get out of my hand, I tried to paused and relaxed. After few minutes they again started moving around mind freely, with more intensity. I postponed the task itself on tomorrow. Slowly they died and only thing left is question somewhere hidden in mind, I have to write on something?
After an hour, while surfing television channel I came across DD Girnar [local Gujarati channel]. Swamiji from Swaminarayan Sect was speaking on some topic. In his address, something touched me. Essence of His saying or rather explanation of some text was simple. Here is a brief version, as I remembered, “… Problem of human life is not of current but from the past centuries and millenniums it is there. So many saints and Scripture came and went away. Some are still there, but we don’t listen to them.  Forget about listening to other and changing. Human don’t listen to their own voices. How can one expect one to listen sage and scripture. Can Change happen by listening to sages and scripture when one doesn’t listen to one’s own voices. It is mistake if I think that by listening to me I am going to change you or going to make difference in your life. In fact you listen according to what is there within you. ...”
That last sentence rang the bell in me. Thoughts started pouring and soon, I sat with pad and pen to jot them down. [! This time instead of typing, I went for writing.] I began…
Many times I wonder about working of our senses! Its way of working is complex and different from other parts and system of human machine. Whole process sounds too complex to me now. All other system is circulatory in nature, in and out, in some movement. Most of those activities happen unconsciously. While working of the senses is neither cyclic nor happens fully consciously with 100% purity, compare to common perception. Also our emotions, natural habits, previous images and experience along with other factors play a vital role in process. [! I have edited from second line onwards for final write up.]
At this point, I remembered by Master Sri Aurobindo and one of his article ‘The Training of Senses’ as part of his writing on ‘A System of National Education’. I decided to read it next day.[link of article]
Then mind was again clattered with thoughts on different senses and which one to select for illustration. Even though I had begun with listening, here came up an option and selection was to stick to old plan.
I further wrote this quote:
“What I listen is, what I want to listen.”
After that another two paragraph about process involved in listening. I am not sharing that, as it is incoherent. Also, after reading article of master, I found more depth and figured out why I have inclination to it. You can guess that. Here is a hint from Sri Aurobindo’s text.

“…This is a preliminary process of Yoga and was effected in our ancient system by various means, but would be considered out of place in a modern system of education.
It is clear, therefore, that unless we revert to our old Indian system in some of its principles, we must be content to allow this source of disturbance to remain. A really national system of education would not allow itself to be controlled by European ideas in this all-important matter. And there is a process so simple and momentous that it can easily be made a part of our system…”

 Eti Shubham

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