Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What I truly want?

Namaste vaibhav,

What you really want? Do you have slightest of hint, how much hard I have to work to complete your wants? and you, keep on changing your wants? Why can't you determine one and for all what you want?
What your heart desire? What your soul aspire? What your mind projects?

figure it out and let me know.


Namaste Parampriya,

It is sweet of you that you asked me. Without getting angry upon me, on my mistakes and errors. I really don't know what i truly want? More than me, you know better of my highest aspiration and i want that only. What shall i do, when that highest ideal is lost? When mind and emotions[vital] been influenced and they seek out something contrary. Sometime i am scattered all over. Sometime i am pieces and part of public place, not an individual. Teach me how to be a true being. How to to identify with you from that true being.

I don't have answer of your questions. I only know from deepest of my heart that what you want is what i want. nothing else. I ask for that, what you ask for me.

yours Sincerely,
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It is not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What is hard, She said is figuring out what you are willing to give up in order to do the things you really care about.

Who is She? I forgot. May be The Mother only. I am not sure of it, as on conference pad... Oh, i remember but not yet 100%, this is from one of Pravrajika from Ramkrishna Sarda mission. I went to IIT-Delhi to attend seminar on 'Swami Vivekananda' and She was addressing audience gathered there.

Indeed Grace! first of all grace that i went there, second of all listened & noted down this and third one, while writing this post, thought came something precisely on this subject is there.

This quote makes it clear. There are preferences, attachment, mental constructs, emotional seeking, ambition and many more inside. Very true, i am not able to give up my sleep and physical comfort. I am not able to give up some mental notions about type of work. I am not able to give up some habits. Not able to give up preferences in work.

On other side, things I really care about are very fluid. Complex to determine, like a river which is never the same. Among this flowing river, one thing is still clear that is, it wants to go somewhere. It is moving in a direction towards that. To meet its ocean, its very Source. So do i aspire for same. Hoping that very source will give enough power to overcome obstacles on the path or make ways through them or turn the way, take other rout. Goal is sure, to meet the Source. What to give up and how to give up is not a big question, now mind has. Heart has resolved, let all be filled with things that I care a lot, rest will be taken care of. In flood of light, with equanimity remaining else will be washed off for new creation.

Thanks Grace. Eti Shubham

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