Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Last friday i asked a boy of 10 years old. 'Hows your boat going on?' 
He replied, 'what did you say?'
I repeated the questions with explanation, 'whether your boat of life is sailing smoothly, hows current, up-downs, joy, boring....' [I must have said more words, but I can't recall them now.]
He replied 'I have put an anchor, right now!'Image result for anchor meaning
'Ohh!' I exclaimed, asking question to continue conversation 'but boat is mean to sail.'
He responded, 'Yes, right now vacation is going on. It's bit boring but good'. 
Then he said something which blew me away.
He added, 'size of an anchor is big. If I have bigger than this i can't move or even can get topple down.' [He had said something very similar to this. again, can't recollect exact words, which he spoke.]

I was stunned. In Awe! I thanked him.

One of the Dictionary meaning, apart from naval use and T.V. or event Shows is,

 a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in an otherwise uncertain situation.

Image result for anchor meaning

Now, assume your boat (life , with your loaded living philosophy, will power, psychological taste & attributes and all what consists your 'I') and size of anchor or anchors you keep (religion, perspectives, philosophy, masters/guru, dream).
There has to be a right proportion between size of boat and destination you want to reach with size of anchor you require in your life.
Many times, i see people who keeps high anchor are still at shore, they never able to lift that anchor and sail to other shore. They feel very secure, can tell you all in words what their anchor is all about and how strong it is. But in their own life nothing. In fact highest, noblest, ideal is been summed up as a small anchor.

Or some time they haven't got that strong faith or high anchor to safeguard in midst of storm. 

while in some cases, may be many we have very big physical ship but our anchor of life are so small. [ All thugs are there to rob them away, by selling lockets of anchor. ЁЯШЙЁЯШЬ]

Thanks to him, i landed up onto another shore. Little one with great Insights. He talked about many other things. May be some other day and other time, I might share. Grateful to Divine, for sending sweet anchoring moments in life.

Image result for anchor meaning

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