Tuesday, December 22, 2020


बाल काल मे थे वो लंबे केश
पर अब चल रहा है अनेरा case
राम और मरा अब एक हो गए हे
शिव और कृष्ण दो नही रहे।

दोनो को साथ साथ याद करता हूं।

एक मेरा केशव है,
जो मुझे शैशव दे
मोरपंख से सजता,
हमे लावण्यता
प्रदान कर जाता।

दूजा मेरा व्योमकेश
मानो सारा भार
आसरा और वह धार
जो मिले सजाता
हमे लावण्यता
प्रदान कर जाता।

मेरे पास ना तो जटा ना मोरपंख
बस जीवित अजीवित के संग
परिभाषा मे रह, जीवन-मरण के संग
रोज अपने केश सजाते
सँवारते अपने आपको पाता हूं।

वैभव, 22-12-2020

And one more poem. Double , bonus poem.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Walk into

 Wearing A Loving Kindness

Accepting the world as it is

Long hours I wait to behold my

King, His return on the earth

Inception of new beautiful life

Now, awake day & night

Touch of his, make all possible & perfect

O King of Heart, Return to thy cave.



Sunday, December 20, 2020

कथक - कथनी और करनी

 कथक - कथनी और करनी 

Audio file - link

(First one and half Minute volume is bit low. Use headphone or higher the volume.)

It is been more than 6 months I am learning Kathak.

It enriches me day in and out. even though, I am not a good practitioner in terms of consistency. But I wish I can practice, do riyaaz consistently.

Kathak for me is all about telling the story, weaving your every act in the inner poise.

In the audio file ( link above), I have recorded those feelings, thoughts and much more about kathak.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

જિંદગી puzzle કે ગઝલ?

જિંદગી તું puzzle છે કે ગઝલ?
તને સમજવી કઠણ કે સરલ?

ટુકડા માં હોવ કે આખી, 
તું તો રહે છે જિંદગી જ સાચી.
તને સાચવવી કેમ કરી,
એક ગાયબ ને કેટલું ઘાયલ!

જિંદગી તું puzzle છે કે ગઝલ?
તને સમજવી કઠણ કે સરલ?

ગઝલ જેમ વહેતી
Puzzle જેમ રહેતી
તારી મોજ અનેરી
હર શામ સજતી

જિંદગી તું puzzle છે કે ગઝલ?
તને સમજવી કઠણ કે સરલ?


Friday, December 18, 2020

give and take

Our view of life has become and becoming more & more transactional. We take birth, or we say who gave us birth and when we die we say someone took the life. A question to reflect what did we give at death? 

But this taking and giving, need and fulfilling the need, is it the only thing! In between life & death and death & life we only continue give and take, take and give? And this is what we train our next generations too.

We are mistaken; life is not about giving and taking. It is all about flowing. We live in a huge field of consciousness, constantly in a flux. With different layers, domains and currents we are moved all around. Where is the giving and taking in the world of flux. All is perspective, seen from one side. 

Not only cross to the other side. Can you be in the center and embrace both the side. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

today's status 16th December morning

Everything will be fine.
If you feel like,
to cry 
Go ahead and take some pearls out
Flying thoughts have kept on fry
Mind jostle 
Works hustle
Heart bustle
Waiting for my lord
To fix the chain
Yay, you got to admit
It's a rain of grace
Freedom's chain to be fixed
Which enables the move.
One that does not binds and stop.
But one who joins 
Lower with the Higher
Front with the back
Seated in present
Carrying past and gift of future
Life cycle moves on.

O my dear
Take out the cry
Everything will be fine.
One who is your foe is also your friend.
In all this jostle hustle and bustle,
I aspire they bow to eternal friend
Residing in me and in all and in everything
Seen and unseen, parampriya
Did my tear reached to your ear?

I want to break open
But break of life's cycle 
Are not in my hand
It is yours and forever will be
Movement goes on and 
Position is also fixed
On dusty bumpy road
Enjoy the ride.
For every stride
Set your standards high
Invisible chain has choked
The voice on both the side.
Afraid of voicing out
And danger you see.
Yet , speak up
Let whatever needs to come up 
Flow and cry out
And not inside.
How long you will play
Game in your head alone
Let pour it out
And see where pawn, minister and queen have taken a position or possession

Do be possessed by your own 
Passion and preferences.
Offer it in fire and may cry come out.
Offer it in fire and may pure washes away.
Offer it in fire, burning in the cave of the heart.
Seat near and feel relax. Remove the coldness 
And not get heat up.
In the balance , thy second nature
Grand things are reached.
This are the way to balance the life cycle
And move on.

You might not feel happy and ask everything 
Right now.
But there are things to arrange and pack.
So you can be surprised at any time
And joy of unpacking bewilders you many time.
Hold the patience and persevere
Consistency is not there 
Your flip flop logic will say
Give another reason and prove the fallacy
Bold you need to be
Told once upon a time
And do not repeat
Flip flop are for those who are flat and
Like to float
We are the diver and diverse,
Lover and beloved, one at same time.
Perplexed , by the parallel sight
At an angle which can be called right
You will find left and right.
But what i am cutting
From where i am crying
Is at the center.
So cycle of life can love on.
Move on. Love on. O. O .o 
Move on. Love on. O.o.
Move on. Love on. O. O .o
In you come and out you go. O. O. O
When did I notice that you visit 
Neigh, you forever there. 
In you are and out you are
Win you are and loss you are
Speech you are and long silence you are
Action you are and inaction you are
Life you are and death you are
O. O. O.o

Still all this will remain in backyard
After taking a step 
Don't take out your stick of yard.
Just go on singing
Just move on 
Dance on the eternal tune
Whatever is fume, 
Convert that into a bloom
Rhyme or not
Just move on, love on...

It seems mind can go on and on
Make the words sounds so dumb
Give rest to your thumb.

Saturday, December 05, 2020

I am Freedom

Universe arranges event one after the other
Even if it seems imperfect to human eyes
They carry perfection at its best.
Once you taste 
Leave the rest, and
You want to arrest.
That's the mistake 
My dear friend.
Just let it flow
It keep coming back again & again.
There is nothing to gain,
Loss is temporary
And so does riches, a grain
In front of the universe eyes.

I don't know from where, this words come?
It just that I keep mind open and let the grace flow
Let love beat
Let power bleed
Let light sweat
And just relax
In such moment
Of interconnectedness
You see and feel
And in next , if you try
To define or express
It will defy you.
How can you have something
When you are that.

In those moments of binding and abiding
Experience visits and leaves insight behind.
To put in lines , I make an attempt
Here I share two ways lines unite
A poem and a mandala.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

change only from space of completeness.

Be the change, you want to see in the world. Said Mahatma Gandhi.

But we comfort seeking , calculative mentality. 
How can we bring the change?
We can complain? But can not command ourselves. And secretly wish to command everyone! Calling out others.
How can we bring the change? 
Who require validation at every step , from a some foreign body ( anything other than yourself )? And rather building confidence , breaks dream and confidence of all young mind out there.
When we keep on doubting our own capability. Condemning every act and criticize everything .
How can we bring the change?

Do you really want a change?
For what do you want a change.

Let us not change from your past attachment to some glorified images and future projection.

Let this change come from a quiet deeper place, from the completeness.which is forever present. Not from our incompetence and incompleteness but from our completeness.

You are that complete.
Let complete come up. 
See things as complete and change would be there. Change is there.

Friday, July 03, 2020

bang bang

Lord came with a bang!
Hit me hard,
I fallen on ground,
Scattered and broken

I came to know it was he who broke me,
When he worked to woke me;
To make me him, he had to break me.
For new creation and making a mould
based on truth - light & beauty;
I instead cling to those broken self,
Out of fear of loosing that dear friend,
A question of consequence,
What I had said and what World will say?
as more I tighten, he hits with more might,
So child like me become mild.

I hope I knew rule of his game,
Breaking and making is his old new game,
And after writing about those bang and pang,
been in that pang thousand times, 
increasing and deviating on the path
There in those moment, I felt, experienced
first hand, my lord saying
Dhyayto vishyan punsah, sanghaste supajayate,
Sanghatsanjayate kaamah kama kroddho bhi jaaayte.....
His song geeta's this verse came, leaving behind me in that state.
Beauty in his beating is what this part of self going through...

- vaibhav

posted on 03-07-2020
Edited on 03-07-2021

Monday, June 01, 2020

May May May

A month passed by
may be you didn't notice?
may be you noticed?
may be your notice makes a difference or may not?

All such crazy stuff in the month of 'May'.
Every moment a choice,
determines the future.
if you know your choice
may be this and 
may be that
you will not be caught
in infinite loop
and get yourself drown
in pool of thoughts.

All wishful thinking
bizarre actions and 
in between speeches
let join them together
Now 'June' has begun.
Tie them around beauty
give shower of love
action speaks and 
thoughts get connect.
may new knowledge 
will emerge from
our connections.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

last few days

Last few days
putting up a veil,
All done went in vain
looking for a rays;
like playing with oneself
hide & seek, a play.

Order Order Order
a hush, sudden & strong
silence were summoned
and felt till the core.

"Organize your thought
and your life.
Bring in some order
around me." Judge Demands
" Put things at its right place,
do not forget and mix up case
take some rest
dust off the past
open the window
let future come in
that's the order!"

Fined with present
task to be done in present
while mind arrested in past,
caught in dealing with 
where to keep future bar.
cases is not strange,
yet it is.
where judge is seated within and
lawyer is one for 
defense and prosecution.
creates a lot of
melodrama, Stop!

Be simple and sincere
let some sun-shine fall
No need to put a bar
it's time to raise your bar.
order is order
goes on recorder
who write a record?
not a question to ask?
find an accord in seemingly discord.

Last few days
I was looking for rays
now I have found
an order hounds
waste no time,to fool around
its not cool
to take up another round,
go through all those sounds
break the chain which is bound.

Last few days...

Saturday, May 16, 2020


What does it mean , to feel broken?
I do not know!

What is the difference between
being broken and being open?
I do not know?

Can one naturally become broken
pieces of whoever it was?
I do not know?

There is something
which want to come out
how far you like to keep it in
shorter or longer, not
a success defy.

This strange sensation
moment before breaking
a sound about to sought
water about to wave
looking for a crack
opening to come out
or is it
opening to go within?

Broken promises,
Scattered dreams
twinkling like a star
in my empty sky.

- vaibhav kirtkumar pandya

break open
bro can

Thursday, May 14, 2020


It's been a surprise for me,
How thought to write a blog on death came to mind few moments back.
I had started writing on something in morning, but it wasn't working right. There was a desire to make 201st post, something special.
But ...

I no longer wonder - in recent past came across the word, thoughts and reflection around death.
As thought arrived very first thing i observed the word 'eat' within 'death'. How wonderful, isn't it!

DEATH - Divine Eats His creation. annihilation.

No one wants to experience this.
Everyone thinks it happens at the end or something which finishes everything.
How stupid such mind to believe that it happens at the end and finishes everything?
Death is present in very present.
Kaal is another name of death - Samay - Time.
And this constantly nagging thought of do - work - finish up else kaal will come... we keep on hearing but mind sleeps off in myriad of sensory enjoyment.

That's remind me of Kabir and his words.
Expressed in this song by Neeraj Arya's Kabir Cafe in modern version...

All our smartness is nothing in front of him.

So far, I had one equation given by my master, Pt. Sri Ram Sharma Acharya - Life = Time

We all love life, but life moves on, just like Time.
So logically, equation comes down to this
Death = Kaal (0)
kaal = time - (1)
life = time  - (2)
From equation, (0), (1) and (2),
life = death
Is there any difference... !!
A powerful equation to base your life upon.

Once one start working based on the above equation, i guess there will no loner any question.
little word play here too - only one letter differs question and equation. moment something goes 's' silence , 'a' answer arrives. so moment you are that silence, answer of everything... equation and question become same.

Death brings so many association, shivering in spine. So many right and wrong things we keep on doing, without realizing death is going on. It is always there, forever present.

Death - a point to contemplate about.
Every moment, as time passes I die and this false identity wants to stick with that past image. It want to create new, bigger and better pictures in continuation of that identity, without dying. How is that possible? one has to embrace death and than move ahead.
Die every moment and be born every moment. forever child.

Are you ready to die? Right now?
die for being better version of yourself
die for something larger than yourself.
but die, what is kept in living, sticking with already dead. die is new living.
Fearless, Love ... ufff... all of them ... moment I die... I live...
To live truly live in now. die now.

diving in death, emerging in life
Lord of death, wants to bind you in those dead images, wants you to see non-existent images, that which is not existence can not be alive, it needs to be dead too.
Stop this logic mind, and experience it.

look at it...
feel it
dive in

[read steve jobs quotes on death and dying... and

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Gratitude note & issues eternal- 200th post

Yesterday, I watched a video and later on shared it on blog too. Since than I am feeling grateful to my parent and feeling of awe & gratitude is increasing with every passing moments. More and more things are getting revealed.

I do not know how they knew it, my real issues, a challenges I need to solve. They are still present and keeps on bugging me. They were present before too. I have attempted many times to resolve, overcome and dissolve them. one such issue i shared it yesterday - flip flop. What surprises me is they are still present. A small victory over them is not sufficient, I guess! these beings might be waiting for when I become weak and can attack back, infect me with their strong stings. 

Issues looks like eternal, whether they are within me and around.
Fight against them seems eternal, till complete victory is won. 
Whether its corruption or abuse, racism to rape and all other ill's
I see them present somewhere within, so subtle so tiny-miny mixed with others
closely knit with some opposite thoughts. tender tendancy a prey of them.

At this moment, I feel like asking them (parent), how did they sense my issues and challenges. Something i need to overcome to achieve. a path, simple and straight. Me taking always detour. 
They know the issue and thus they keep on showing you mirror. That's what brings irritation in me. No longer able to stand and face them. So i shut the communication, go away, run away from all of that. I no longer afford that, consistently running away, shutting up. It is time to open up and embrace. 

Embrace the pain!

As quote on my desktop wallpaper says -

As I reflect, observe and introspect ( are they possible all at once or i do not know which one is the most appropriate here? may be the later is true)
I found something more but not a right time & place to share.

Let me thank them one more time, silently , openly.

let eternal issues come to rest,
we will go through many test
ordeals of all sorts;
do not be mistaken by appearance 
or remain in past image
sun never sets or rest
it is been set forever
truth, light, giver.

May 13th 2010 - what i wrote

મંઝીલે જાતા રસ્તા કંઇ સસ્તા નથી.
શબ્દો સંતના એમ કંઈ પચતા નથી !
[ hindi : manjil ki aaur jaate raste saste nahi hote, santo ke sabda aise hi nahi pachte.]

garm havana paas ma,
virah ne vedana no bhaas che.
tara tahukaona saad ma,
shu mehuliya no anshaar che?

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Who wants to be flop?
You, Me or We!
No one wants to be
but its easy to slide
a downward slope.

I have an issue
which makes my attempt flop
might not  be seen
out, but very much on
in present past
so subtle now
that comes as a surprise
takes me on a ride
by the time it gets
some another tide
It seems I need to tie
myself with big anchor
some calls it sankalp
yes, that is an issue
desires moving freely
making decisions go flip-flop
just like a hit-me-not
without a base,
topple any side
and get hit from all the sides

a sure sign
for making a flop
I know,
I have it.
I know,
How to deal with
but I know only.
I am trying
bringing it in Do
require a quiet a lot of strength.
I can still put a blame
on someone or on circumstances
No! I can't make more excuse
have to try out
bring in all courage to
remain stick.
no more flip-flop
do not apply a logic
as you know its a gate to flop
don't go aflot
come back and toil
ground is available
here and now

no more flip-flop
let me plough
grace will come
and harvest will shine.


Written in a state of constant flip-flop going on at subtle level and manifesting at outer.
whether its money, marriage or work or simple daily task to eat or not? there is a flip-flop.
can a control, a order come in? Yes, Very much. and as one dwells, observers and work upon.
Right time, guidance comes. Here is one such source.

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Y bob meets

Today evening she (rain) came again and few minutes back had small showers. 
I thought to share two day old post and poem..
I started writing a little to tell. 

And something more came up.

So here it is...
Met her again today
Drenched in the love
Still it feels dry
This is not a cry
As not shut in my
She gave the power
Much needed to flow
So far there was fly
Away from many 
And few where I was shy
She taught me today
Just give and be
Like a sky
Season will change
There is no hurry
Not to worry
Remember one thing
Ask wisely
Your why
Cause it slays
Or build
Life divine. 
Depends upon
You ask as a doubt
Or taken as bout
Whatever path you take
Keep Amity
Let y bob die
In the eternal circle
Where world unite 

Thursday, May 07, 2020


રાતના સાડા અગિયાર,
અમારી નથી થઈ હજી મુલાકાત
બારના ટકોરે, ચકોરની પેઠે બેઠા
ન થયેલી મુલાકાત ની આ વાત.

મલકાય છે હૈયું, ને ગુલાબી થાય ગાલ
ભર ઉનાળાની રાતે, શીત લહર રેલાય
મંદ મંદ મધમીઠી વાતો થાશે કઈ સાલ
કે, અમારી હજી નથી થઈ મુલાકાત!

વિસ્મય છે સમય, જે મુજને વિષ સમો લાગે
નીરસ વસ્તુમાં પણ આજ શાને અનુરાગ જાગે
આંખો મીંચીને, દ્રશ્યમાં દેખાય સાથ
કે, અમારી હજી નથી થઈ મુલાકાત.

અટકી જા અહીંયા,વાત આગળ ના વધાર
લટકી જશે ત્યાં, તારા કામ કગાર
હજી તો કિનારે જ છું ને, ક્યાં
વમળમાં અટવાયો, કઈ લહરે લહરે ભટકી
ક્યાં બદલાયો
કે, અમારી મુલાકાત, હજી નથી થઈ!

સાદ વગર

સાદ તો મે તને દીધો નથી
તારી પ્રીત સદા મારી સાથે
આવી ગાંડી આતુરતા, વરસાદ
તને મળવાની ક્યાંથી જાગી?

બળતો હતો હું, દર વખત
કઈ વેળા તુજમાં હરખ જાગી?
આવી ગાંડી આતુરતા, વરસાદ
તને મળવાની ક્યાંથી જાગી?

તારા આ રુબાબ ને મિજાજ
દર્શન તો મને થાય છે,
પણ પેલું માળામાંનું પક્ષી રિબાતું,
ને તરુ પડું પડું થાતું.
થોડી દયા રાખી ને જો તું હરખાતો
તારી ભેળા અમે મલકાતાં.
આવી ગાંડી આતુરતા, વરસાદ!
તને મળવાની ક્યાંથી જાગી?

ને તારો સાદ પાછો કેવો?
તરવર થતા હૈયાને થરથર કંપાવે એવો.
તારી હાજરીની સાબિતી રૂપે 
તસ્વીર ખેંચતો, હસતો તું જડતો.
ઓ વરસાદ તારામાં આ ગુણ ક્યાંથી આયો.

આવી ગાંડી આતુરતા, વરસાદ
તને મળવાની ક્યાંથી જાગી?

In between Sri Rama & Sri Krishna, you will find appearance of

In between Sri Rama & Sri Krishna, you will find appearance of ______________ 

When one sees the life of Lord Sri Rama and Lord Sri Krishna from surface level. What one finds is contrary, two extremes view points. Many time logical rational mind stops working after baffling with thoughts 'around who is the ideal to follow?'
As one starts observing one's own mind and look at the source, core principle on which life of our great heroes revolve around. One starts getting a sense that there is more than what mind can comprehend. Habitually mind looks at the part and forgets the context presented by place, time and circumstances. Why mind does like that? Maybe mind has been trained to work in that way - Observe - bisect - make small pieces - investigate - understand - plan - apply - analysis - repeat. This seems a process mind follows. Wait! there is actually few steps more in the process about which we are not yet trained fully, consciously. After apply, there is a reflection and synthesis as well at plan and apply level flexibility or say allowance for emergence is need to be taken care along with initial process from observe to understand one can not afford to forget the framework in which (context) all this is done. Once three important point of reflection & synthesis, allowance for emergence and keeping context in mind. we will find something emerging in our mind. Allows us to go higher than the mind. 
And when we see the life of our two heroes little more intimately, we will find that there are many common points. One among them is standing up for the values which was most appropriate and needed to safe guard in their time. One will soon find that such situation arises in everyone's life too. There is a gradual evolution, a progression of mind - to set life on higher & higher principles. Not to misuse the gift and live rightfully. Leading on the path... In between doubt-Belief-faith; restrain - freedom - Equanimity...  

... Somewhere we will meet, in between Sri Rama & Sri Krishna - Buddha. A Buddha who is in you. 
A guide to handle both the extreme of the life. 
Life full of actions & rest, serious & joyful. Ability to hold contradictions, dillema, paradox life presents. 

On the day of Buddha Purnima, May our soul sets on fire. In between Sri Rama and Sri Krishna, we also meet Lord Buddha. May we find our middle ground to hold the value, unique & special to us. Just like each one of them hold few values and principle. 

PS Note:
There are plenty of stuff, which I can not write and describe right now. Nor i thing I have such ability or language gives me such power. If its unclear, let it be. If it offends someone, I am sorry! forgive me. Writing is also somewhere influence by writings of Sri Aurobindo and what he has talked/written about them. 

Wednesday, May 06, 2020


Titbit titbit
Tibtit tibtit

I am
Water droplet
Titbit of water.

I am 
Rock dust
Titbit of earth
or star dust?

Bit bit i know
Bit bit of i am made
But want to take a byte of big
So much beating of sound
By tiny, titbit

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Here Rama Here Krishna

Here Ram Here Krishna

Hare Ram Hare Krishna . a usual chant we have heard. May be infinite times, in many kirtans and bhajan, after almost every aarti. It sets one on high ecstatic level. In this post, I am sharing something intimate, which is brewing since yesterday. and It has nothing to do with the chant but exactly what has written as a heading - 'Here Ram Here Krishna'. 

There is no typing or spelling mistake. Before You continue reading, certain stuff will sound like judgements and questioning some of the core stuff. May be that remain as it comes. So do not get shocked and if you have open mind, open mind and open will - than only continue reading.

Saturday, May 02, 2020

impression of senses through thumb

And suddenly she came,
Riding on wind
Alert was given,
very clear and loud,
Dark and sound.
Eyes can't see
And ear couldn't hear
Her arrival is very dear
But brings in many fear.
Capture , enjoy, rejoice, safe guard or protect, cries.
What shall be done?
There is something to be done.
She is still there,
Can not wait out
Looks like she is on fight
Want to break all walls build
Enters into room with all might
From wherever she gets a chance.
Meeting with her began with pleasure
And now there are few pain point.
Sitting in one dry corner of my room,
Looking out and in of gloom
She struck with lightening and thunder
With what heart will break open and apart.
Hush of silence falls on the ground
And again she again gathers
All her strength
Like building up , strategically
Where to strike next.
Fields are now filled with water
Some trees are uprooted
Heart sunken down
What we lost and gain
Human will play that game
Once she is gone.
Still, she is here and I can hear.
This encounter has left me think a lot
From need of shelter to cry of hers
Gutsy winds are gone, now
Some other direction
New route
Rain has turn into shower
Few will morn and few will be moved
Few will see a gloom, while few will bloom
She is leaving ahead,
Some head and hand
Will come out.
Seating in one dry corner of my room
I see , what to be done now.
Full of concerns and thoughts
Heart and mind, in speechless zone.
Still listening her sound,
Inhaling the fragrance
Which used to bring love
All looks so blend
Poised in equality
I pray...
May this shower of grace
Brings peace and joy
Health and victory

As she floats and roams still around
This words which comes from
Nowhere land...
An experience to sense and let thumbs move.

written on fb as a post, as rain was going on outside....sensing as much as one can and allowing thumb (on mobile) to move and type the words.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

છાની માની

છાની માની તું આવે
પણ ના કરતી મનમાની
સર્વ જાણતી, ખુદમાંજ મહાલતી
અજાણ રાસ્તે, રાહ દેખાડતી
મૌનની ભાષા તારી,
પ્રેમ પ્રેમ સ્પંદતી
નંદતી, ના જલ્દીથી જડતી.
પ્રકાશ પાથરતી, પથ્થરને તોડતી
હ્રદયોને જોડતી
તું છાની-માની આવતી
ને ક્યારે ...

Wednesday, April 08, 2020


એ નીશા, તારા આવાગમન ના નિશાન દેતી જાજે.
કઈ દિશાથી તું આજ આવીશ,
ને કઈ આશાના કોડ જગાવી ને જઈશ.

શીતળ લહેરો પર સવાર,
તારલીયાનો ઝગમગાટ.
ના જોયેલી દુનિયા કે
ના જોઈતી દુનિયા
ચાંદની નો મંદ પ્રકાશ
રેલાવે છંદ સુવાસ.

રાહત બની ને આવજે,
શાને આફત સમી લાગે તું.

એ નીશા, તારે રજા જોઈતી હોય તો કહેજે,
મારી પાસે અંધકારનો ઢગલો છે.
દીવો બની પ્રકાશ પણ લઇ આવીશ,
મારા માટે ખાસ જો તું બનીશ.


Sunday, February 16, 2020

આમ વાતો અલખની

જો તારે જોઈતો હોય માલ,
કે પહેરવી હોય માળા
તું આમ આમ કર.
આવી ઘણી આમ આમ વાતો,
આવી ને આના જેવી
તમને ઘરો,બજારો ને રસ્તે ચઢતે ને પડતે
મળી જાશે.
જે નહિ મળે, તો એ હિમ્મત, એ માણસ
જે અમલ મહીં મેળે.

વાત બહુ સરળ છે, પણ જીવનમાં એવી તે કળ છે.
મનથી બધા પર લગામ મુકવાની દોડ ,
લાંબા ને ટૂંકા ફાયદા ને કાયદા ને કા તો જાણવા કે પછી ફાંદવા, જાણી ને ફસાતા માંગ્યા દામના કુંડાણા. 

મજા લે આખું ગામ, માંગતા સર્વ તમામ
કહેતા પડે ગાલ પર શેરડા ને છતાં રહી જાય હાથ મેળવતા.

કહો તો જરા, શું શીખ્યા?
જવાબ મળ્યો નજીક, તો જાણજો પોતાને મૂર્ખ.
જરા એના પર હસી લેજો ને થોડું વિચારી, ભરજો કદમ. હસતાં હસતા જો કરશો કાંઈક અમલ,
તો મળી જાશે અલખ. 

Pass - Pass Game of Life

We all have played that game - pass the parcel. Where music is played in background, parcel (pillow or ball or such object) is passed in the...