Sunday, September 08, 2019

બધાની પસંદ હોય!

બધાની પસંદ હોય!
જરૂરી નથી કે તે સમ હોય
વિષમ પસંદ જો તમોને ડંશ દે,
ત્યાં વળી સંપને ખોય?

પુછતા નહી કોણ? અને શાને?
આ હું કોણ ને તેની પસંદ કઈ કઈ
તેનુજ ગાણું છે?
હું ને પસંદ નો સગપણ,
ઘડપણ સુધી સાથે ચાલતું ઍક નાણુ
ભલભલા ને ગબડાવે,
જો ના જાણે, હું કોણ?

આમ પડદાની પાછળ,
પણ ચાલે બધે આગળ.
હું કે હું ની પસંદ?

સાદગી પણ હોય!
દેખાવો પણ હોય!
પણ મળવાનું શું
આ પસંદના ફેરામાં?
જોતો નથી વૈભવ બજારોનો,
પસંદના નામે તો છલકાવે છે.
લાભ-હાની ની ક્યા ક્યા ભરમાવે તે
ઍક નહી અનેક હું ને હું ની પસંદના ઘેરામા
ઢેર ઢેર ઠરતા હું ને જોયા છે.
તરતા હું થોડા રહ્યા,
જે જાણી લે ખરો હું ને હું ની પસંદ શુન્ય.

Thursday, September 05, 2019

शिक्षक से आचार्य : परिवर्तन

शिक्षक से आचार्य : परिवर्तन

आज से बारह (१२) साल पहले शिक्षक का पेशा मेरी परिघ् के बाहर था. हलकि उसे सन्मान की नज़र से देखते थे, पर कभी उसे पेशा नही बनाना चाहते थे. हद तो तब हुवी जब हमने शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण के ३ वर्षीय अभ्यासमे जुट गये, ९ साल पहले. वहा भी जब पूछा गया 'अभ्यास मे जुड़ने का कारण बताओ?' और मेरे उत्तर मे उन्होने पाया की मे शिक्षक नही बनना चाहता. तो भैया थोड़े हमसे नाराज़ भी हुवे थे. उस समय अगर कोई मुझे शिक्षक बोल दे तो मुझे चीड़ आती थी. वह शब्द मुझे बेहूदा, घटिया लगता था. मेरे ही समुदाय (मनुष्य) के कुछ लोगो ने उसे शायद ऐसा रूप दे दिया हे. शिक्षक - जो शिक्षा करता हे. वो जो पगार ले कर मस्त हे, घ्यान और ज्ञान  उपार्जन से त्रस्त हे. ऐसी कुछ छबि थी. और मुझे ऐसा चिला-चालू तो बनना नही. करना भी अलग हे, पढ़ना अओर पढ़ाना भी अलग से था. मिराम्बिका के शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्र्म मे जुड़ने का इरादा कुछ वही था, अपने को बदलना, थोड़ा अनुशासन जीवन् मे ले आना और योग के मार्ग पर चलना.
यह चीड़ २०१० से २०१८ तक रही. अभी कोई शिक्षक कह के बुलाता हे तो बस हलके से मुस्कुरा देता हू. क्यूंकी मिराम्बिका माई ने बहुत कुछ बदल दिया हे.
एक बदलाव का ऐसा किस्सा आज 'शिक्षक दिवस' पर टीचर प्लस मगेज़ीन मे छप्पा - यह लिंक से आप भी पढ़े.

अब यह मेरी मिराम्बिका माई ने बताया की बनना हो तो आचार्य बनो.
आचार्य शब्द का प्रचलित अर्थ तो सब जानते हे, जो अपने आचरण से द्रष्टांत दे. शिखना उसी से होज़ाये.
दूसरा अर्थ नियमो को तोड़ के आज मेरे सामने आया. जो सब कुछ श्रेष्ठता के, सत्य के चरण मे अर्पित कर दे वो आचार्य. क्यूंकी श्री माँ ने कहा 'उसे एक योगी और नायक बनना पड़ेगा, जो अच्छा शिक्षक हे|'  और योगी तो सब कुछ अर्पित कर देता हे श्री के चरणमे.

यह परिवर्तन सरल नही हे, बहुत कठिन हे. मज़े की बात यह हे की बच्चो के लिए प्यार. और  बच्चे ही हमको बदलाव के लिए याद दिलाते रहते हे. यह परिवर्तन कभी पूर्ण होगा की नही? यह बता पाना आसान नही हे. शायद जिंदगी भर यह क्र्म चलता रहे. मेरी माँ ने सब देख रखा हे. और इसीलिए एक सुंदर सी जगह पर, कुछ बच्चो के संग, यह परिवर्तन को जारी रख पा रहा हु.


Sunday, September 01, 2019

हे रब्बा

राहत तुझ से मिलती हे रब्बा,
चाहत मेरी बस तू हे रब्बा.
परवाने के पुकार तू हे रब्बा,
दीदारो मे मेरे तू हे रब्बा.
फिर भी यह दूरिया क्यू हे रब्बा?

दिल के फलक पर अब तुम चाँद बन आना,
दम निकलने से पहेले आना.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Kanha kanha mera kanhaa

बलराम के संग धूम मचाए,
कान्हा कान्हा मेरा कान्हा

यमुना किनारे, खेल खिलाए;
बंसी बजाए, रास रचाए;
कान्हा कान्हा मेरा कान्हा.

गैया चरावे, माखन चुराए,
काली नथये, सबको नचाए;
कान्हा कान्हा मेरा कान्हा.

- vaibhav ( Shree krishna Janmashtami, 2011) {hugely inspired by songs sung @ mirambika school during celebration. }
a pose, magic or mistake or error,  lords feet afloat. 

In roman script:

balram ke sang dhoom machaye,
kanha kanha mera kanhaa

yamuna kinaare, khel khilaye;
bansi bajaye, raas rachaye;
kanha kanha mera kanha.

gaiyya charaye, mahkhan churaye,
kali nathaye, sabko nachaye;
kanha kanha mera kanha.

Friday, August 02, 2019

પ્રેમની વાતો

આજથી લગભગ ૧૭વર્ષ પહેલાં, ભાઈદાસ સભાગૃહ, વિલેપાર્લે, આ ગીત સૌ પ્રથમ વાર સાંભળ્યુ - " દરિયાના મોજા કંઇ રેતીને પૂછે, તને ભીંજાવુ ગમશે કે કેમ? ઍમ પૂછીને થાય નહીં પ્રેમ."
ડૉ. શ્રી શ્યામલ અન સૌમિલ મુન્શી ની જોડી, મીઠો સુરીલો કંઠ અને કવીશ્રી તુષાર શુકલની લાજવાબ કલમ મળીને બનેલું અદભૂત સુંદર રચના વાળુ આ ગીત.  જ્યારે પણ ગુજરાતી ગીત સાંભળવાનુ મન થાય તો આ ગીત પ્લેલિસ્ટ્મા જરૂર હોય.
નંદિની બેન ત્રિવેદી ની મુંબઇ સમાચારમાં આવતી કોલમ હૈયાને દરબારે, ગયા અઠવાડિયા કવિશ્રી સાથે ગીત ની પાછળની વાતો જણાવીને મોજ કરાવી હતી.
આફરીન! આફરીન થઈ જવાય! હજી તો ગીત મમળાવવુ ચાલુ હતુ. ત્યાં જૂની નોધપોથી (ડાઇયરી) ચઢી હાથે ની મળ્યુ આ નાનકડું કાવ્ય. 'ઍમ પૂછીને થાય નહી પ્રેમ' આ ગીતના પ્રભાવમાં અને તેના વિચારોના મુળે લખાયેલું ગીત - પ્રેમ પામવાનાં કાય નકશાઓ હોય? કાવ્યની શરૂઆત પ્રશ્ન સાથે થાય છે કે પ્રેમ પામવા માટે કોઈ નક્શા હોય, નક્ષત્રો જોવાના હોય કે?

પ્રેમ પામવાની ઝંખના સર્વને હોય. તેના કોઈ નિયમ, રસ્તા કે પાઠ નથી. આતો પ્રિયતમ સાથે બેસો, થોડુ બોલો, થોડુ ખોલો, ઘણુ સાંભળો અન સંભાળી લો , આમ પ્રેમ આપો તો પ્રેમ પામો આ વાત ક્રેંદ્રમાં રહી.

બે વાત જી નથી કેરી શક્યો કાવ્યમાં, ઈ અહિયા કહેવી
-> આ પામવાના ચક્કરમાં - મન વારે ઘડીયે ઈ અમાપને માપવા બેસી જાય. આ દલિલબાજ મનથી ચેતીને રહેવું
-> અને જ્યારે સાચે પ્રેમ સામો ચાલીને મળે કે પામો, ત્યારે ઍના સ્વીકાર કરતા થવું. મારી પોતાની વાત કરું તો હજી આપતા ક સ્વીકારતા ફાવતું નથી. ખાસ કરીને જ્યારે તમે કોઈ કાર્ય ખૂબ પ્રેમ થી કર્યુ હોય કે બાળકો તમને ઍક શીક્ષક રૂપે ચાહે ની પ્રેમ દર્શાવે ત્યારે કે મમ્મી હોય મિત્ર કે પ્રીયતમા, આ લેતા આવડવું ઈ પણ કલા છે.

જ્યારે પ્રેમ જે કોઈ સ્વરૂપે તમો સમક્ષ આવે ત્યારે બુદ્ધિ કેમ મંદ થય જાય, શું કરવું?, બોલવું શું? હૃદય આફાટ થતુ હોય. બુદ્ધિ ત્યાં વિશ્લેષણ કરવા બેસે કે આ દેખાડો છે કે સાચી અભિવ્યક્તિ, તેમના અંતરથી અનજાન હોય.

આવું કેમ થયું અન હૈયાની બીજી વાતો આવનારી પોસ્ટમાં..

વેગ, ૧-૦૯-૨૦૧૯

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Spiral movement called Life

Today, i.e. 1st August 2019, marks completion of yet another cycle on spiral movement of life. Every completion brings in new meaning even though everything looks same and old. There are words collected from the experiences turned into memories. I am going to play with them, after introducing it in a circular fashion.


Somewhere one needs to put a point to start on a circle. First point is obvious a center, an observer of all movements. But journey is not happening at static center but on the circumference. so lets select a point on the circle.

Point ZERO, 0 Degree - 1st August 2016

An Interview date for being part of The Polymath School. What I knew from HR agency was they are looking for a principal and main teacher. A project based learning (PBL) school, which also wants to incorporate values from their spiritual organization. Something I was looking for from many years. To start on combo of PBL and Values in mumbai. I saw an opportunity to collaborate and passion to bring PBL in mumbai. I felt that's what needed and I want it. Really?

Interview was more like a normal conversation with school's founder. Where I like simplicity , good vibe and decent connect. It seemed that opportunity is going to come and all will be well.

some point in clock-wise direction but in real backward tracing:
* I had travel from east of Hyderabad to Mumbai, only for this interview.
* Name of the school where I worked at that point of time 'New Creation Free progress school' (name will be used in word play)
* Salary from a school i had just joined (hardly a month) was about to come but I had no money in pocket. borrowed money from a friend to travel and make things work.

Journey in forward direction, moving towards tangent and diametrically opposite point:
* I got selected as a Home Room Teacher, later became part of Core Academic Team Member
* Seen many coming In and Out of people, lots of learning in process of starting a school.
* Played multiple role as per school name 'The Polymath'. and life moved on with interesting questions and problems. finding their answers and solutions on the way.
* Journey to USA - visiting PBL/EL schools, attending workshop on Play. {things started to turn now}
* Meeting again philosophical and yet too real question - 'What you really want to do?' 'If your purpose in life is A, and you want to start really working on it from 2022, why not now?' 'Aren't life is just moving under varied influences of various forces?'

Music, Movement, Life goes on

@point 180 Degree, 31st july and 1st August 2018

* Now, I don't want to build anymore school or be in so called educational institute which are isolated from Life. Last day of Job (towards end only i felt it like I have job, else it was more collaboration and service!) - left with little bitterness, sad, enthusiasm for new opportunity in front, blank, Hard.
* Fear Still rules overall but deep down something is there which operates from love and trust. Surrender to it.
* Most important point, joining One Month Yoga Teacher training Course at The Yoga Institute, Santacruz, Mumbai. [It seems course supported me to get engage in work, grounded and come out of the shocks life is presenting to you. forever grateful !]

Moving towards 360Degree
* Outer Journey helps you to move ahead in your inner journey too. It brings new insights and clarity to work cheerfully in adverse circumstances and dark world. 
* Connecting with Nature, Retreats at Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Nainital, Haridwar, Delhi, Hyderabad, Puducherry, Bengaluru. 
* Completing Yoga Course and becoming Yoga Instructor for few days and sessions.
* Starting and working for School of Universal Life (S.O.U.L.) and then suddenly taking a Pause.
* Except financially, journey is taking an upward spiral and soon it will affect other areas too.

@point 360Degree, 1st August 2019

* One year from leaving a Job and Joining a Yoga Course. 
* Awaiting for integrating Yoga and Education with daily life.

Word Play and World Play continue:

Now, moving for a New Creation - Sustainable, Eco-Friendly, Free Progress community. No more isolated school, away from real life rather Integrally connected community learning space, full of life. Really Learning in school of universal life.

Not merely a name Polymath, but striving to lead another attempt to be a polymath. Working in many field (growing foods to facilitating learning, communication to cooking) but living a life. 

A new circle will begin, may be a process of nullification, a balancing act to enjoy being at center. Observing passing waves, facing Ripples of past and current events. Creation of many small and big circle within and outside. bursting million bubbles.

Spiral Continues!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


હું બહુ ઓછો મળ્યો ઍને,
પણ જ્યારે મળ્યો
ત્યારે મનમૂકીને ભળ્યો.

મિલનમાં અમારા મસ્તી અનેરી
ભલે હોય માત્ર ઘડીભર ઠરેલી

પર્વતો ચઢ્યો, સમુદ્ર કિનારે ફર્યો
મિલનની બે ક્ષણ સારુ ક્યાં ક્યાં ભમ્યો?

ખુલ્લા મને અમે સાંભળ્યા ઍક બીજાને,
સંભાળી લીધા કિનારાઍ, પણ કોરા ના રહ્યા.

તેના રંગોની આભા, દરેક વાર જુદી
અરે, સંધ્યાની હરેક વાત અનોખી.
યાદો કે યાદી નથી રાખી અમે
પ્રસંગો જોવા ને મળવાની ઍને.

બસ ખબર છે,
રોજ મળવાને આવે છે ઍ,
હવે મોડુ નથી પડવું ભળવાને!


૧૨-૦૬-૨૦૧૩ (સુધારિત ૩૧/૦૩/૨૦૧૯)

પ્રેમ પામવાનાં કાય નકશાઓ હોય?

પ્રેમ પામવાનાં કાય નકશાઓ હોય?
કદી નક્ષત્રો જોઈને નજરો મળતી હશે?
image credit:

જો આપો તો પામો,
આ સરલ વ્યવહાર છે? ના,
વ્યાપાર નથી, સથવાર છે;
સાંભળશો ને સંભાળશો તો
જીવન અણમોલ ભરથાર નો સાથ છે.

૦૬+૦૬=૧૨ ; ૨૨:૨૦

ફરજ પડે

હૈયુ મારૂ જ્યારે જ્યારે બેચેન બને,
હાથમાં કલમ લેવાની ફરજ પડે;
ઍ મુક્ત સ્વરોને, સ્વના કરવા,
શબ્દો મહી સજાવવા ફરજ પડે.

નથી કોઇ ગુણ અંદર કવી જેવા,
તે છતાં કલ્પના કરી,
વિચારોને વાળી, ઈચ્છાઓને વ્હારે
આમ હમેંશ ખેચાવું પડે.

ક્યારેક સરળ તો ક્યારેક જટિલ પ્રશ્નોને,
નવી દ્રષ્ટીથી વારે વારે જોવી પડે;
હૈયાની જુબાની અને હાથે જવાની,
સુર ને તાલ મેળવવાની ફરજ પડે.

- વેગ

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

નકલ, પ્રેરણા, પ્રભાવ અને પ્રથમ પગથિયુ કાવ્ય યાત્રા પર

નકલ, પ્રેરણા, પ્રભાવ અને પ્રથમ પગથિયુ કાવ્ય યાત્રા પર

20 વર્ષ પહેલા, અમારા વાઇસ-પ્રિન્સિપલ સાહેબે અમોને (હું અને બીજા બે મિત્રોને) તેમની ઑફીસ બોલાવ્યા. પહેલા તો ખબરના પડી શું થયુ હશે? અમને શાને બોલાવ્યા? ત્યાં પહોચ્યા ત્યારે જાણ થઈ કે, ભઈ! આ તો કવિતા લખવાની સ્પર્ધામાં મોટે ઉપાડે હા પાડી હતિને તે બોલાવ્યા. પોતાની કવિતાના ઉદાહરણ આપીને સમજાવ્યું, પ્રોત્સાહ્ન પણ હતુ, તે પણ ભાગ લેવાના હતા અમારી જોડે, મોટા લોકોના વર્ગમાં.

અરે વાહ! કવિતા લખવાની. પણ આપણને આમ કાય બહુ આવડે નહી. અટલે કરિયે શું? ક્યાંકથી પહેલા ધોરણની ચોપડી ગોતી ઘરમાથી, નરસિંહ મહેતાના ભજનને લીધું તેમા થોડાક ફેરફાર કર્યાં ને લો, હાજર કવિતા.

બીજી બેમા, ઍક પ્રભાવ નવી નવી શીખેલી કવિતાનો અને ક્યાંક પ્રેરણાના છાંટા. આમ બની ગઈ પધ્ય રચનાઓ.

હોંશે હોંશે, સ્પર્ધામાં ભાગ પણ લીધો. પહેલી વાર બાર વર્ષની ઉંમરે ઍકલા, મિત્રો સાથે જવાનું. ઈ પણ ઍક ગમ્મતજ હતી.

20 વર્ષ પહેલાં, ગ્મમત રમત ની મમત રૂપે શરૂ થયેલી યાત્રા હજુ ચાલુ છે. ઘણું શીખવાનું ને સુધારવાનું છે. 

Monday, July 29, 2019

Judgemental Hai Kya? : Mathematics and Life 3

You might be wondering from the title, is there any relation between a movie 'judgemental hai kya?' with mathematics and life.

No! There is no relation between them. I can't say that 100%, there may be something in that movie too. I haven't seen last week release but attended another most interesting story.

Last Saturday evening instead of a movie with old colleague. we had simple plan to meet, eat and chat. But within my heart, I wanted to attend another event happening at same time and at far distance from place of our meeting. Heart was longing to meet best friend. And when heart wishes truly, something really works and move. Due to God Rain, meeting with colleague got cancel and time got open to meet best friend. His name is 'The Little Prince'.

Those of you who haven't met and heard about him, let me tell you little bit. First of all, best friend I am talking about is nothing but books. 'The Little Prince' is one such book, more than a character as it lives within you, me and everyone. A fantastic work by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. A classic for children as well as adult. 

I came across new friend of mine at mirambika library in 2010. Since than little prince and i have been together. Me more as a learner and He as a Great Teacher. 

Back to Saturday evening exploration. The New Acropolis (khar branch) had a pubic event "The Little Prince: Great Teacher."  I missed starting exploration of universe with the little prince. I joined him late, he had already left from his plant B612. By the time i reached he was on third planet.

image source:

By now you might be thinking, what is going on? May be judging me or recollecting your moments with The Little Prince.

That's exactly were I would like you to ask you for a Pause. Take a Pause! Look at all the internal voices coming and see whether mind 'Judgemental Hai Kya?' and Now be attentive to internal voices and whats going to come.

While listening story, exploring teaching on this adventure. Our presenter called four volunteers and I volunteer. We had simple role play to be done. School friends meeting after a long time, they have their conversation. While at same time there internal voices are speaking up. After exercises story continues, explanation goes on... and that's when Mathematics enters.

Face Value & Place Value

Ohh! In numbers we get confuse for the same. In our innocence we take everything on face value, never consider place values. number 248 as per mathematics is not, Two, Four and Eight but it's Two Hundred Forty Eight. Illusive zero brings all trouble into such simple life. All the matter of consequences, trust, not taking things as they are, and so on.

Back in elementary school we have learned and now teaching children too. Baby, don't take everything on face value! As children we get so surprise, just like the little prince. Over period of time, copying adult behavior, life circumstances & experiences, defense or coping mechanism of competitive race makes us show something on face (outside), while keeping the place (inside) all confused, unheard.
A small seed grows like 'Baobab' tree and it's dangerous menace. We stop listening to true place value voice, lot of internal noises and all show speech & action. We stop listening, can't take anything on face value. Sometime become so judgmental, everything we want to put at places of words, tones, behaviour, past experiences and evaluate the value.

Unlike in mathematics, where we are trained to see and read number correctly. We know it's silent or invisible zero there. 'Zero' makes whole lot of different. Sadly, in life we hardly fine Great Teacher like 'The Little Prince', who shows there is a zero, Shunya. Shunya of buddhist or, lila of Divine, or Maya of Brahman or you can explain in many ways & yet fall short of reaching to express shunya. 

Two, Four and Eight looks same as Two Hundred Forty Eight - 248.
In reality from their position or quantity they have huge difference. 
same way, whether it's a material life or moving towards spiritual life, one needs to be careful about putting things at right place and showing right face. We can only put things at its true place, when clutter, noise of mind silences. Stillness! Shunya!

The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, puducherry also told while working on psychic education.
"... Never take physical happenings at their face value. They are always a clumsy attempt to express something else, the true thing which escapes our superficial understanding. ..."

Knowing right places of its origin and placing it at right place. It's like taming animal, which we are so far. except we have brilliant brain and mind. which can turn into friend or foe. Just like fox in story ask the little prince to tame him. he can be his friend, instead of looking outside for people. 

I hope by now you must have understood connection between Face value and Place value of Mathematics and Life. 

Still have something in mind, like to discuss or want to work upon knowing and practicing I invite for a learning adventure: yoga and education ! Happy taming. 

Friday, July 26, 2019

why it comes to me?

In life we meet many coincidences, some we take for granted, few we feel lucky about, few we ignore and very few we cherish. When some coincidences keeps on happening with you again and again, we start wondering. Wednesday late night, it happen again.
I handed over rickshaw fare to driver. He took out change from his change bag near steering wheel. As soon as coin came out, my eyes were glowing. I knew this is the similar special coin, I am going to get another one. Heart was jumping on getting the coin in hand.

Above picture was taken on 3rd February when I had fifth coin from 'National Integration' series. 
Four different year of minting. After that, I have got two more coins. 


National Integration, a phrase made of two words. Some strange but long association with the word I am having from past many years and may be from life. I knew the phrase in hindi, marathi and gujarati but in english came across the phrase 10 years ago. When I participated in All India Youth Came for National Integration. Participants and Facilitators from 13+ states of India. Learning, exploring and living together for 9 days in serene environment of Puducherry. A place where strong proponent of Nationalism, Sri Aurobindo spent half of his life in doing intense sadhana. 
During camp, we had one round of problems and solution for National Integration. Where different people got various chits and they had to share their views. Topic varied from ancient architecture, scripture, languages, current problems of pollution-population-terrorism-etc. I had got question on 'National Integration'. How to achieve National Integration? 

For many year the chit on which question was written were in my wallet. I don't know exactly why i had kept it and for how many years? I still might have it folded in partition of old wallet. There is something within which resonates and jumps up, when i hear about national integration. 

Since I lived little conscious life, I have memories of writing my first poem on Kargil War. While selecting stream in college after Xth examination or attempting for NCC after 12th. From selecting a career path, one thing was always there. Service to Nation. In my heart and mind, concept of service remains with much refine and better sense now. credit goes to The Master again.

Relation with nation might be from previous life or this one only or may be all this can be sheer coincidences of life. As they say what you think about you attract them more. I doubt they are mere coincidences. 

As a learner, one thing i am certain that there is still lots of work needs to be done. many misconceptions and ideas are prevalent among people, which requires fresh & true meaning. Even though one tries and work out a plan, execute with diligence to remove it, No big change will happen. Can't achieve National Integration with outward mechanical solutions. True and lasting change will only come when consciousness gets change. That's what Sri Aurobindo has told and I have a firm believe and trust on it. And change of consciousness always begins first from oneself, from within. Than it will spread outwards naturally when right time will come. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

दिल से दिमाग़ से या

Image result for dil se dimag se
दिल से
दिमाग़ से
दोनो के समन्वय से
दिमाग़ बिखरा बिखरा है
दिल तूटा तूटा है
कुछ छूटा छूटा सा है
क्या है?
कोन है?
गहराई महंगी हो रही है
तन्हाई गूंगी हो रही है
कोई अवाज दबि सी है
दिल की आवाज़ ज़ुबान पर तुट जाए
दिमाग़ की आवाज़ जुमले मे छूट जाए
दिल से
दिमाग़ से
दोनो के समन्वय से
यह सवाल नही है, अब!
वह सज्ज हे जब
जो भी होगा लाजवाब होगा
दिल से भी होगा,
दिमाग़ से भी होगा
गा के मस्त दिल, दिमाग़
में मे तू, तू मे में होगा

written by vaibhav on 14-06-2016, 22:19
- one of the FB post which wanted to be 50th post on blog. Now up on the blog as 175th.
Pic credit:

Thursday, June 13, 2019

દિલ ભરાઈ આવ્યુ છે

Let it come
Let it go
When it came did you notice
Did its arrival was on your hand?
Than why do you mind, when it has come?
If you want it to go, tell it
Or it will go on its own time
and if still it doesn't go than,
either you are liking that or
you want it to go, than softly relax and tell.
If coming was not in my mind, hand.
how come its going in my mind, hand.
After, in what it came and from where you want it to go????
if at the end you going to ask same question, to shut everything down.
Sorry, this time lets try something different.
lets keep on asking endlessly..

13-06-2016, 20.08pm

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?

क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
तेरा था क्या?
जो तू रोवे!
तेरा था क्या?
जो तू खोवे!
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
तेरे हाथोंमें है क्या?
तेरे हाथो से जो बोवै,
वही तो तू पावे।
तेरे हाथों में है क्या?
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
समय आया क्या?
सपनों मे, वास्तव मे
समय आया क्या?
जो होना वही होवे।
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
कोन पीछे पड़ा है?
अहं तेरा, भरम तेरा
कोन पीछे पड़ा है?
कोई सवाल, कोई जवाब
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
जो तू चाहे
वह चाहे?
तुझको क्या भावे?
यह तो था बस उसका होना।
शून्य का था सर्जन, शून्य हो जाना।
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
जो भी तू पावे।
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
जो भी तू गावे।
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
जो भी तू बांटे।
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
जो रखे हे दिलमें संभाले।
क्या होवे? क्या ना होवे?
बस तेरा मेरा हो ना।
(बह रही थी कोई, अंदर से मेरे। ढूंढ रहा हूं बाहर के कोने। कभी मिली थी मुझसे, थोड़ा मुझसे निकल कर या मुझको निकाल कर? बह गई अब वो, जो तलाशा मैंने। क्या वोह कह गई, बातें अधूरी सी रह गई। दिल हे सुखा और आंखे गीली। अंत ना था वो कविता की सरिता, अभिव्यक्ति मेरी अधूरी। क्योंकि में रह गया अधूरा, वो बह गई मधुरी? पूरब की और, कुछ हवा कह रही। आते जाते मुझे संदेशा देती, उस आश पर जीवित ...
जो अंदर से बहती, बाहर वो मिलती...)

happen and unhappen - video
Image result for happen and unhappen 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

पुकार आयी हे फिर से,

पुकार आयी हे फिर से,
तन-मन चाहे आराम;
दोस्तो मामला संगीन हे,
अब तो सोना पड़ेगा.

पुकार आयी हे फिर से,
इश् बार किसी अओर ने नही;
खुद रानी ने बुलाया हे,
अब तो सोना पड़ेगा.

जग सोता मे जागता,
पर आज जग ने पुकारा हे,
थोड़े सपने सजाने;
जो हक़ीकत मे बदलने.
अब तो सोना पड़ेगा.

दोस्तो पुकार ना, तुम नही;
नयी दुनिया, सपनो की
वही पर मुलाकात होगी


Image result for call for action sleep

Monday, May 27, 2019

yeh safar

क्या तुझे फ़खर हे तेरे मेरे सफ़र पे||
फ़िक्र यह नही,
फ़िक्र नयी यह नही फ़र्क
के हमे या तूमे फ़खर हे या नही?
पर ये फ़र्क कहा से आया हे?
हमसफ़र हम तुम्हारे पुराने.
साथ रहे, पास रहे,
एक आश् मे बुने, 
फिर भी आज क्यू एक नही.

सफ़र चलता रहेगा,
बात बनती रहेगी.
कभी ना कभी,
नफ़रत की सूरत से
इश्क़ की मूरत
निकल आए
यही हौसला लिए.
फखर हे हमे, की हम चल दिए.
जले जिए, ओर शायद
बुजने से पहले
तेरे हो लिए.

Vaibhav, 24-05-2019

I heard this song yeh safar, from 1942, a love story. few months back. Since then its link was saved on this blog post. Today, while listening to another song. again on travelling ' Jaane kya dhoondhta he'. I remember a simple stirring song back again. Above few lines are written while asking same question again. and searching for the answer.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

long ago

तुमसे मे यह छुपा ना सका,
दर्द दिलका फिर भी बता ना सका.
जाने अंजाने जो कुछ भी हुवा,
दिल मे दर्द,
चहेरे पे मुस्कान बनाए रहेना.

तुमसे मिले हे ज़िंदगानी सनम,
मौत भी तेरे हाथो से मिले,
तो पूरी हो कहानी सनम.
जब तेरी मर्ज़ी पास आना,
एक बार आके फिर कभी ना जाना.
मौत या जीवन
जो देना बस अब एकबार देना.
दिल मे दर्द सदा मेरे रहे,
जो आपकी याद सदा दिलाता रहे.

शुभ रात्रि परम-प्रिय
26-05-2010, 23:33


Friday, May 24, 2019

dream again

Had written it few years ago in roman script. today presenting it with devnagari.
Tentatively, it was 3rd may 2010.

बाँध आँखो से देखा था एक सपना|
उसे आज फिर से देखने का मन चाहा, खुली आँखो से उसे देखना चाहू|
 विधवान कह रहे जीवन एक स्वप्ना हे, हा तो स्वप्ना को मे जीना चाहू. उस स्वप्ना को सोने सा सजन मे चाहू. थोड़ी देर तक रहस्य मे गुम था. स्वप्ना के जगह तारे देख रहा, पर आज सूरज फिर निकाला हे, ओर मे भी निकल पड़ा हू, वो स्वप्ना को देखने; फिर से उसे जीने के लिए.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Addressing the question

Why we do not address the question, which really concern us?
Do we really take trouble to zero down to the question? Solving which rest can be put at their rightful place.
Why we tend to ask more questions related to daily life and issue related to work upon, tip of iceberg? And get frighten when we see what's beneath.

Hasn't our schooling instilled a fear of questioning?
Hasn't our family and society, has brought in fear of questioning? 

Is questioning means revolting, disobeying?
What if I just ask internally for my own entertainment?
Ohh! really questioning is good sport, an entertainment for a mind. 
Moment one goes for it one is not using a tool wisely.

But my question is, what stops us to address the question?

Answer is simple.

At one level, can be summed up in just one letter.


Movement, you start addressing a question. You know, more questions will come. One leading to another. Eventually, it will ask some very fundamental questions. That requires a whole lot of effort. Those question has power to shake empire of 'I'. One which was build up after so much of effort. So any change is disliked.

I also run away from the question. Answering question is very uncomfortable business. I do not like to feel uncomfortable. So, what to do?

Do not ask questions.
Keep ignoring the questions.
Hide yourself.
Give generic superficial answer but don't do anything.

But whatever happens, do not address the question. as all route leads to destruction of I. emergence of something about which its difficult to speak.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Last friday i asked a boy of 10 years old. 'Hows your boat going on?' 
He replied, 'what did you say?'
I repeated the questions with explanation, 'whether your boat of life is sailing smoothly, hows current, up-downs, joy, boring....' [I must have said more words, but I can't recall them now.]
He replied 'I have put an anchor, right now!'Image result for anchor meaning
'Ohh!' I exclaimed, asking question to continue conversation 'but boat is mean to sail.'
He responded, 'Yes, right now vacation is going on. It's bit boring but good'. 
Then he said something which blew me away.
He added, 'size of an anchor is big. If I have bigger than this i can't move or even can get topple down.' [He had said something very similar to this. again, can't recollect exact words, which he spoke.]

I was stunned. In Awe! I thanked him.

One of the Dictionary meaning, apart from naval use and T.V. or event Shows is,

 a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in an otherwise uncertain situation.

Image result for anchor meaning

Now, assume your boat (life , with your loaded living philosophy, will power, psychological taste & attributes and all what consists your 'I') and size of anchor or anchors you keep (religion, perspectives, philosophy, masters/guru, dream).
There has to be a right proportion between size of boat and destination you want to reach with size of anchor you require in your life.
Many times, i see people who keeps high anchor are still at shore, they never able to lift that anchor and sail to other shore. They feel very secure, can tell you all in words what their anchor is all about and how strong it is. But in their own life nothing. In fact highest, noblest, ideal is been summed up as a small anchor.

Or some time they haven't got that strong faith or high anchor to safeguard in midst of storm. 

while in some cases, may be many we have very big physical ship but our anchor of life are so small. [ All thugs are there to rob them away, by selling lockets of anchor. 😉😜]

Thanks to him, i landed up onto another shore. Little one with great Insights. He talked about many other things. May be some other day and other time, I might share. Grateful to Divine, for sending sweet anchoring moments in life.

Image result for anchor meaning

Monday, May 20, 2019


I feel again zero.
It's going to be 2.00am soon.
In just 10 minute as per clock shown on screen here.
That's how we say time,
It's different for you and me.
Even though it's same but
There is no time.
As time depends upon events,
How fast you want to flip
Or how long you want to stretch.
One is always back to this zero.
360 degree.

I am thankful for 360.
A zero or a circle or only part of infinite I see just because I see only one side.

I don't know what I want to do!
360 days back,
Foundation got complete.
And I was left with a question
Raised by a founder,
"Vaibhav, what do you want to do? Tell us."
Image result for what do you want to do
I added "what I truly, really want to do?"
Image result for what do you want to do
I am asking a question or is I am looking for an answer. Can I do both the things together. I don't know can I or i can not.

How do you know what you want to do?
First of all, do you have a control on what you want to do?

NO, you can't move every day 360 degree on your axis and make sunrises.
Breath to shit, beats to bite you have no control.
Then why this question?

Do you know ' how does your (or in general) garden grow?'

Ok you might not doing , so you might not be knowing.

So let me put this question
'How do you grow?'

And as you set into inquiry...
First question come is
What do you grow?
Followed by when, why and how...

Did you came to 360,
Have I lost you.

See this 360.
You start with 3 things
You feel wow.
It doubles up to 6
And then ooo
You land to 0.

Physical, emotional and mental
Triplet you start with
Double up 6 are
Love - Fear
Truth - Falsehood
Knowledge - Ignorance
And back to zero.

It's only when you see
3 as double, inner and outer
Make it singular
Infinite creation looks spectacular.
360 view.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Summer of 2010

મંઝીલે જાતા રસ્તા કંઇ સસ્તા નથી.
શબ્દો સંતના એમ કંઈ પચતા નથી !


ગરમ હવાના પાસમાં,
વિરહ ની વેદના નો ભાસ છે.
તારા ટહુકાઓના સાદમાં,
શુ મેહુલિયા નો અંશાર છે?

what you see as a bulb is a moon from the top window. 

ओ निंदिया बुलाए, लॉरी सुनाए..
सपने मे आयेगा, संसारका राचराचिल.
सोजा मोरे नन्हे खिलाड़ी

रात हे अब थोड़ी बाकी,
चाँद सितारो संग बहुत खेला
दुनिया संग खेल हे बाकी,
कही जीवन् रहे ना जाए खाली.

(with modification done on 13/05/2019)

Saturday, April 06, 2019

ક્યારે થશે સમાસ?

લગાવીને બેઠો છું આશ,
ક્યારે થશે સમાસ?

શું કાયમ રહેશે પ્રયાશ?
છે અણદીઠો વિશ્વાસ!
નહિ થાય હ્રાસ
ભલે લોકો કરતા મજાક
અડીખમ રહેશે મિજાજ.

લગાવીને બેઠો છું આશ,
ક્યારે થશે સમાસ?

આજ તો તપસ છે,
શુદ્ધ પરિપૂર્ણ થવાની તરસ.
ભેદ-ભરમના તોડી શ્વાસ,
ચણતો હરિનો આવાસ
લગાવીને બેઠો છું આશ,
ક્યારે થશે હરિનો નિવાસ?

ખુલો થયો, વહેતો થયો
એકજ વાત કહેતો થયો!
કે હૃદયમાં ઉજાસ ને
સર્વત્ર સુવાસ
હરિ કરશે કૃપા અપાર
હૃદય તંત્ર ખોલો જરા.

લગાવીને બેઠો છું આશ,
ક્યારે થાશે સમાસ?

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Love evolves you

"To live, to love are signs of infinite things,
Love is a glory from eternity‘s spheres."
- Sri Aurobindo 

Have you seen a glory from eternity's spheres. March of February hasn't got it's destination. 
As journey is its destiny. To live, to love. 

I found it. one of the trigger point was reading Anilji's FB post. 

While taking an evening stroll on same day, I found deeper connection.
By then actually, I had heard the song many times and humming was going on. 
Humming has become integral part of life. sometime whole day, some tune, some song on life, love goes on.
Next day morning, i saw the freshness. I felt the newness and Love.
Love! day in and out, when you live in nature.
Not a single day went by since then, when I haven't fall in Love.
Nature in its abundance shows its glory.
Questions of mind brings new surprises.
There is no limit to natural wonder, No limit for Love.

Also mere reading and understanding is not enough.
As kabir saheb says:

Listen the song: pyaar huva chupke se
Whole song contains a power. Takes you to the land of love.
A beautiful investigation and exploration with words.
Music just flowing like a river .... one can just go on...

But why it happens chupke se...?
why we feel everything new?

Ohh! I can't tell you as feelings are better communicated in silence.
It's smell, It's colour and sound. Magical touch and transformation.

Excerpts from the article

No Longer Playing It Safe
by bell hooks

[Listen to Audio!]

To work for peace and justice we begin with the individual practice of love, because it is there that we can experience firsthand love’s transformative power. Attending to the damaging impact of abuse in many of our childhoods helps us cultivate the mind of love. Abuse is always about lovelessness, and if we grow into our adult years without knowing how to love, how then can we create social movements that will end domination, exploitation, and oppression?

To begin the practice of love we must slow down and be still enough to bear witness in the present moment. If we accept that love is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect, and trust, we can then be guided by this understanding. We can use these skillful means as a map in our daily life to determine right action.

Link of article

Many poem were penned down last month. Sharing them here again

Lots of love 


Wednesday, April 03, 2019


Will ever this thirst be quenched?
thirst for light, love and laughter..
thirst for better and perfect life...
thirst for or thirst of

Will ever this thirst be quenched?
doesn't it give me so much thrust
to trust the process and move on.
To Move and quench
a thirst to come first
and remove the dirt.
who cares? till it burst.
Whether it hurts or not?
Who cares? is this a curse, 'will ever this thirst be quenched?'

does answer will make
all bloom or gloom,
one keeps on quenching.
without questioning,
or with questioning.
Are there different thirst?
or Can I have single thirst for Him, Union?
Why thirst makes me sometime worst?
Why sometime i feel worst when thirst are not quenched?
and when it is quenched i feel topmost?
for a sort while, that feeling of worthwhile and back to dust.
asking is must
again and again
till thirst is quenched
completely, fully.
will ever this thirst be quenched?

Tuesday, April 02, 2019


कर रहे थे हम चर्चा,
महेमान दे रहे थे
अपने शब्दो से अनहद का पर्चा।

उन्होंने मङ्गल कामना जताई,
बहार आये, लोग जुड़े और भीड़ बढ़े यहा।
नव जीवन मे सौंदर्य ढले यहाँ।
वही, अंदर से आवाज़ आई।
पहले तो सिर्फ 'भीड़, भीड़' यह गुंजन सुनाई दी।
और गूंज के बीच मे से
उसने कहा,
' तुम्हे पता हे, भीड़ इकठ्ठा करने की लालच क्या बनाती हे। भीड़ से भेड़िया।'

रुक गया मे, थोड़ा हस दिया में।

भीड़ वही है पर कभी मेरे अंदर वह गभराहट लाये। तो कभी वही भीड़ मुझे महफूज़ कराये, की कोई हे।

कभी उसमे शामिल होने के लिए,
कभी भीड़मे से आगे निकलने के लिए,
कभी भीड़ से दूर होने के लिए
क्या क्या दाव लगाये?
कहाँ कहाँ दौड़ लगाई?

कभी भड़ भड़ भड़के भीड़के साथ
कभी तड़ तड़ ताड़ उठे भीड़के सामने

भीड़ अपनापन जताए और भेद भी बताए।

भीड़ इन्सान को क्या क्या बनाये,
क्या क्या करवाए

आप अकेले हो
आप भीड़ मे हो
क्या आप सच मे आप ही हो?


Monday, April 01, 2019

ढूंढता दिल

'जाने क्या ढूंढता हे ये मेरा दिल, तुझको क्या चाहिए जिंदगी?'

आज यूट्यूब पर जाते ही लकी अली द्वारा गाया गया यह गाना सामने आया। उसको सुना, उनकी आजकी आवाज़ के साथ।
पिछले १०महीने, १० साल या ज्यादा, यही जीवन रहा। यह सिर्फ और सिर्फ गाना नही बल्के प्रश्न रहा। जिसका उत्तर शायद में आये दिन खोजता रहा, खोजने की कोशिश करता रहा।
कभी शारीरिक और भौतिक पैमाने पर तो भावना की, सवेंदनाओ की गहराई हो। या कल्पना के पर पे सवार विचारो की उड़ान। के फिर इस भौतिक भाव सवेंदना विचारो के परे, आध्यात्म का विकास। है समय कुछ कोशीश जारी रही।

क्योंकि आज के दिन तो पुराना हिसाब चुकताना है, नया हिसाब करना है। कब तक भागते रहे, कब तक अपना ही अप्रैल फूल या मिस्टर कूल बनाये।

जब यह सवाल, गाने में बार बार सुना, तो ऐसा लगा कि यह मेरा दिल जो कच्चा है, वो सच्चा दिल ढूंढ रहा। उसिके पास। अपनी सच्चाई, साहस को जिंदगी तो भेट देना चाहता। पर जिंदगी।

ढूंढो! पूछो? बार बार पूछो!
बेवकूफ कब तक बनावोंगे
आखिर चाहिए क्या तुझे?
क्या है जो ढूंढ रहा?

क्या इसका उत्तर , क्या वो शांति....

क्या वो प्रेम....

'जाने क्या ढूंढता है यह मेरा दिल!
तुझको क्या चाहिए जिंदगी?'

Pass - Pass Game of Life

We all have played that game - pass the parcel. Where music is played in background, parcel (pillow or ball or such object) is passed in the...